WAR-OFFICE, April 4.-2nd Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Lieut. F. C. Griffiths to be Capt. by purchase, vice Davies, who retires; Cornet W. Branching to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Griffiths; R. Dann, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Brand. Bog-hind Regt. of Dragoons : Cornet St. V. AV. Ricketts to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Craufurd, promoted-4th Regt. of Light Dragoons: Assist.-surg. J. Graves, from the 38th Foot, to be Assist.-Kurg. vice F. G. Walbran, who retires upon halfpay of the 48th Foot-9th Light Dragoons : Cornet and Adj. R. Cooke to have the rank of Lieut.-17th Light Dragoons: F. J. Parry, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, Tice Walker, who retires-12th Regt. of Foot : Lieut. U. Y. Gold to be Capt. by purchase, vice Prideaux, promoted; Ens. F. Bell to be Lieut. by eurchase, vice Gold ; J. L. Philipps, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Bell-25th Foot: Gent. Cadet C. R. Knight, from the Royal Militory College, to be Ens, without purchase, vice Lomax, who resigns-35th Foot : Ens. J. Gordon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Best, who retires; Ens. H. E. Renwick, from the half-pay of the 7i'rd Foot, to be Ens. without purchase ; J. Fraser, Gent, to be Ens. by purchase, vice Gordon-38th Foot : Assist.-Surg. J. Robertson, from the half-pay of the 45th Foot, to be Assist.Surg. vice Greaves, appointed to the 4th LightDragoons-:39th Foot : Gent. Cadet M. G. Nixon, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens, without perches, -40th Foot: Staff Assist.-Surg. J. Archibald to be Assist..Surg. vice J. L. Hartwell, whose appointment has not taken place-43rd Fool: Lieut. the Hon. W. S. Clements to be Crept. by purchase, vice Wrottesley, promoted; Lieut. the Hon. A. A. :pencer to be Capt. by purchase, vice Harris, who retires ; Ens. W. F. Campbell to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Clements; Ens. J. Alderson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Spencer ; Ens. Hon. II. C. Grey, from the 90th Foot, to be Ens. vice Campbell; W. D.Oxenden. Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Aldersen-45th Print: Lieut. W. H. Butler to be Capt. without purchase, vice Archer, promoted-151h Foot : Ens. J. Horner to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Logan, promoted; Ens. T. A. Heriot to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Palmer, promoted; T. de Haviland, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Horner; G. Greene, Gent. to be Ens, by purchase,vice Heriot60th Foot : Brevet Lieut•Col. A. Macpherson, from the halt-pay of the 59th Foot, to be Maj. vice Shee, promoted-62nd Foot : Ens. H. Cooper to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Baynes, who retires ; H. Jackson, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Cooper-66th Foot : G. L. Dames, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Dickinson„ who retires-69th Foot: Brevet Lieut.-Col. R. Johns, from the half-pay of the 1st Garrison Battalion, to be Maj. vice Lord E. hay. promoted-79th Foot : Lieut, .A. Brown Lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Mauls, who retires ; Rime. T. Isham to be Lieut. by purchase, Vice Brown ; E. J. Elliott, Gent, to be Elms by purchase, vice Isliam83d Foot : Lieut. H. F. Ainslie to be Capt, by purchase, vice Renwick, who retires; Ens. C. T. Egerton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Ainslie ; H. Lloyd, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Egerton-8301 Foot : Lieut. G. BIOChtnan to be Capt.. by purchase, vice Hopwood. WIIO retires ; Ems. M. C. SetOn to be Lieut. by pinch Ise. vice Brockman ; 0. C. Dickson, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Setent-9itth Foot : Lord C. L. Kerr to be Ens, by purchase. vice Grey, appointed to the 4Sed Foot-Ceylon Regt.: Lieut. J. Hewitt, from the half-pay of Dillon's Regt to he Lieut. vice Keogh. promoted.
Unattached-To be Lieut.-Col. of Infantry, by purchase : Major C. Shee. from the 60th Foot-To be Majors of Infantry, by purchase: Capt. E. S. Prideaux.
the 12th Foot : Capt. C. A. Wrottesley, from the 43rd Foot-To be Major of Infaue, y, without purchase Brev. Maj. E C. Archer, from the 45th Frot-To be Captains of Infantry, by purchase: Lieut. It. G. Craufurd, from the 2nd Dritgooris; Lieut. 4. Palmer, from the 55th Foot ; Lieut. J. Paterson, from the 33rd Foot; Lieut, R. Logan, from the 55th Foot. Brevet-To be Majors in the Army : Capt. W. Sweetman, of the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies ; Capt. A. A. O'Reilly, Brigade.111ajor to the Forces; Capt. D. Mahon, of the 4th Foot.
Memoranda-The excharege between Assist-Surgeon Collis, of the 15th Foot, and Assist...Surgeon Caldwell, on the half-pay of the 31st Foot, was dated the 25th of September, 1830, and not the 9th of July, 183.1, as formerly stated. The undermentioned officers have been allowed to retire from the service by the sale of unattached comniissions : Major-Gen. W. Stewart (1st) late of the 40th Foot ; Capt. H. Ross. half-pay Unattached ; Capt. J. Fraser, half-pay 76th Foot; Brev. Lieut.-Col. the Duke of Richmond, Capt. half-pay 52nd Foot ; Major W. S. Taylor, half-pay Unattached; Capt. R. Newland, halfpay Royal Artillery.