9 APRIL 1831, Page 14


An eminent manufacturer at Wolverhampton. This gentleman will be the first member for Wolverhampton in the Reformed Parliament; a distinction which his intrepid and persevering services for forty years, as a citizen and philanthropist, will have rendered most appropriate. Mr. PEARSON has long been the foremost promoter of every local improvement; has embarked both purse and personal service in support of the Liberal candidates of his county ; and at the last election for Bridgnorth, his money and labours were liberally bestowed in favour of the WHITmoeEs, who were wholly unknown to him, against the East India candidate. Mr. PEarisox has extensive experience and liberal views in matters of trade; is a friend to the education of all classes, and well acquainted with the condition and wants of the poor. He is a man of amiable manners, and beloved by men of every class, sect, and party.