BritTfis.—At the Palace, Lichfield, the lady of William Oakeley, Esq. of Glattwilliam, Merionethshire, of a SOT1 and heir—On the 28th, at Portsmouth, the lady of the Hon. Captain Elliott, R.N. of a daughter—On the Cod inst. in Cornwall-terrace, the lady ofJans es Paterson, Esq. of a daughter—On the 30th ult. at Ditchley, the seat of her fattier the Viscount Dillon, the Hon. Mrs. Stanley, of a daughter—On the 29th, at Tours, in France, the lady of T. A. Curtis, Esq. of a daughter—On the 4th inst. at Riegate Priory, Surrey, the Viscountess Eastnor, of a daughter—On the tith, at Tusmore, the Lady of Henry Peyton, Esq. of a son—At Paris, on the 30th July, the Countess she Croismare, of a daughter—On the 3d of August, in Edinburgh, the Right Hon. the Lady Elisabeth Thackeray, of a daughter—On the 6th inst. in Connaught-place, the Lady of Henry Lindsay .Bethune, Esq. of Kileonquhar, Fife, of a daughter—At the Hague, Aug. 6th, the PrIncess of the Netherlands of a daughter On the 4th last, at Bullock Rectory, Northaxnptoushire, Lady Emily gardLige, of PA daughter, MARRIAGES.—On the 4th inst. at Gosfield, Essex, by the Rev. William Ainger, D.D. Prebendary of Chester, the Rev. Thomas Ainger, M.A. of Greenwich, Kent, to Frances, daughter of the late William Barnard, Esq. of Deptford-green—At Beeston, the Rev. Joseph J. Burroughes, of Ling-wood Lodge, Norfolk, to Pleasance, third daughter of the late Sir Thomas Preston, Bart. of Beeston Hall, in the same county —On the 2nd, at Rogate Church, Sussex, William Augustus Broadhead, Esq. fourth son of the late T. H. Brinkman Broadhead, Esq.M.P. of Berkeley-square, to Louisa, second daughter of the Hon. Sir C. Paget, K.C.13.—At Winchester, Captain F. W. Austen, R.N., C.B. to Martha, (laughter of the late Rev. Nowes Lloyd—On the 5th, at Hadlow, Kent, John Routeledge Majendie, Esq. youngest son of the Lord Bishop of Bangor, to Harriot Mary, second daughter of the late G. Bering, Esq. of Braham Court, Kent—On the 5th, at Trinity Church, by the Very Reverend the Dean of Carlisle, Robert John Palk, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, to Harriette, youngest (laughter of George Hibbert, Esq. of Portland-place—On the 7th, Digby Neave, Esc', eldest son of Sir Thomas Neave, Bart. to the Hon. Mary Arundell, youngest daughter of the late James Everard, ninth Lord Arundell, of Wardour.
D gaams.—At Statham, Norfolk, aged 103, Isabella Perowne—On the 3rd inst. at her house in South Audley-street, the Dowager Baroness de Clifford, aged 85 years —On the 3rd, Edward Boodle, Esq. of Brook-street, Grosvenor-square, in the 78th year of his age—At Bath, on the 31st ult. David Vanderheyden, Esq late of Harleystreet—At Leven, on the 2i st, Patrick Taylor, Esq. of Dundee—At Clifton, Grace, third daughter of the Very Rev. Dr. Jack, Principal of the University and King's College of Aberdeen—At her house, in Duane Terrace, on the let, Miss Magdalene Erskine, the youngest daughter of the late Joh') Erskine, Esq. of Dun—On the 29th, at Belle Vile, near Mn/arose, John Guise, Esq.—On the 30th nit_ at Brompton, in the county of Yorks aged SO, the Dowager Lady Cayley, widow of the late Sir Thomas Cayley, Bart.—On the 3rd, of epilepsy, after four months' severe suffering, Farmer Bailey, Esq. of Hall-place, Kent, in the 30th year of his age—On Tuesday morning, at Newport House, Sir Hugh O'Donel, Bart.—Lieutenant Edward Plaggenborg, of His Majesty's brig Contest. This promising young officer was lost, together with the ship that he commanded, and all her crew, in a dreadful hurricane abont the middle of April last, on his passage from Halifax to Bermuda—On the 4th, most deeply lamented, in Thayer-street, Manchester-square, Abraham Moiling, Esq. late of Bury St. Edmunds. Two short weeks only had elapsed since, with the ;mutest grief, he followed to the tomb the remains of a beloved daughter—Aug. Gth, suddenly, at St. Morris' Hall, near Rochester, R. Gunning, Esq. aged 35—At the seat of his brother, the O'Conor Don, Dr. O'Conor, a gentleman of considerable eminence in the literary world, author of the "Letters of Columbanus," and editor and translator oldie " Rerum Ilibernicarum Scriptores :" Dr. O'Conor was chaplain to the late Marchioness of Buckingham, and librarian to the Marquis, as well as to the present Duke.