9 AUGUST 1828, page 14

Spect.a.b ' •

An Italian singer, who for several years gave as many lessons, at a guinea an hour, as he could find time for, confessed to us, that he had learnt what he knew °idle art by......

New Works

On the point of Publication. 4'. s. d. e. a. d. us:Aar°. Munro on the Brain, Vol. I. lids. 0 12 0 Annesley's Diseases of India, Vol. DUODECIMO. II. imperial . . . 7 7 0 History......

Tiie Army. Irar-ojice, August 4.

2d Dragoon Guards—R.J.0. Vandeleur, gent. to be Cornet, without purchase. 4th Dragoon Guards—Cornet Edward Cooper Hodge, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Marsham, who retires ;......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BritTfis. — At the Palace, Lichfield, the lady of William Oakeley, Esq. of Glattwilliam, Merionethshire, of a SOT1 and heir—On the 28th, at Portsmouth, the lady of the Hon.......