9 AUGUST 1828, Page 16



the fine eoppered Ship ARETHUSA, A. 1. ROBERT JOHNSON, Commander. Burthen 200 Tons. Lying in the West India Export Dock. Has good Accommodation for Passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to Walter Buchanan, No. 4, Leadenhall Street; or to W. I), DOWSON, 39, Old Broad Street.


At u BIEETING held in the Apartments of the Royal Society, Edinburgh, July 9, 1528,

The Loan CHIEF COMMISSIONER of the JURY COURT in the Chair,

Resolved,-That this Meeting is deeply impressed

with sentiments of admiration and respect for the talents and virtues which distinguished and adorned the character of the late Mr. Dugald Stewart, and with a deep sense of the honour which his genius and learning have reflected on his country, during his long and bright career as an Author and Public Instructor in the important departinents of Philosophy.

That this Meeting, in common with many of the

friends and admirers of Mr. Stewart, is desirous that there should remaln to future times some lasting Public Monument of the high estimation in which he MIS held by his Contemporaries, and of the reverence with which; his Memory is cherished by all those to whom he was known.

That, in the opinion of this Meeting, a Monument of an architectural kind would be the best fitted for the attainment of their wishes.

That a Committee be appointed to consider the most proper means of accomplishing this object; to proceed therein as they shall think expedient ; and to report to a General Meeting of Subscribers to be afterwards called.

That the Committee be authorised to publish these

Resolutions in the Edinburgh and London Newspapers, in order to afford to those who may approve of the objeet of this Bleeting an opportunity of giving their concurrence and aid in its accomplishment. This Meeting appointed J. T. Gibson Craig, W. S.,

to be their Secretary and Treasurer, to whom communications may be addressed. Subscription Papers will be found at the Chambers of Messrs. Gibson, Craigs, and Wardlaw ; Sir Win. Forbes anti Co.'s ; and at the shop of Mr. Black, Bookseller, North Bridge, Edinburgh ; and in London at John Richardson, Esq., Solicitor, Flutlyer-street ; and at, the Banking Houses of Messrs. Ransom and Co. and Messrs. Coatis and Co.


The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Com• missioncr . ..... 21 0 The Hon. Lord Gillies 15 15 The Hon. Lord Alloway ...... lb 15 The Hon. Lord Corehonse ...... . 105 0 Earl of Landerdale......... ..... 52 10 Sir James W. Illoncrieff, Bart. 10 10 John A. Murray, Esq ...... 15 15 G. J. Bell, Esq. ... ......... .5 Thomas Thomson, Esq. ....... 10 10 J. G. Craig, Esq. ........ 10 I U W. G. Craig, Esq. ..... ..... 10

Dr. John Thomson .......... 5 5 Professor Pinata 10 10

Professor Napier 5 5 John Fullerton, Esq. . 5 5 W. H. Playfair, Esq. .. ... 10 Di Sir William Hamilton, Bart. ..... 5 5 John Horner, Esq. ........ ..... 10 10 Dr. Alison ..... ..... . ..... 10 10 Adam Black, Esq. 5 5 John Mowbray, Esq. 10 10 J. It. Mc. Culloch, Esq. 3

Dr. Gregory .... 5 5

Rev. R. Morehead ..... 3 J. T. G. Craig, Esq. . . 5 5 Henry Cockburn, Esq An Old Pupil 1 I 2Eneas Macbean, Esq. 3 3 'The Hon. Lord Mackelizie ..... 10 10 David Wardlaw, Esq. ..... 3 JamesIvory, Esq. ..... 3 3 Thomas Mansfield, Esq.

'Francis Jeffrey, Esq. 15 15 John Cu nningliame, Esq. • 3 H. II. Drummond, Esq., M.P. ... • • 10 10 Thomas Maitland, Esq. 3 3 Miles A. Fletcher, Esq. .. .....S 5 Dr. IIPLagan ...... 3 3 David Cathcart, Esq. ...... 3 3 Professor Wallace ....... ..... 1 1 John Craig, Esc!. . ............. 3 3 Alexander Lawrie, Esq. ...... . 10 10 Wm. A. Lawrie, Esq.

Sir A. C. Maitland Gibson, Bart....... 5 5 Sir J. H. Dalrymple, Bart. . ...... . 5 5 Wm. G. Adams, Esq 10 10 Ehas Cathcart, Esq... ..... 5 5 Rev. A. Alison ... . 10 10 Arch. Alison, Esq ..... ..... 10 10 J. A. Stuart BIackenzie, Esq ..... 10 10 Colonel Gibson ...................1 1 Adam Maitland, Esq. ....... 5 5 Kirkman Finlay, Esq. 10 19 Lord Minto 52 10 Sir Wm. Macleod Bannatyne 10 10 Lord Viscount Palmerston ........ 50 0 Henry Mackenzie, Esq. ......• 10 10 Sir Jas. Montgomery ..... 21 0 J. Brown, Esq. .. 1 I Sir W. Scott, Bart. . ..... • . • ... 10 10

'1'. F. Kennedy, Esq. 11I.P. 10 10

Lady Hope ..... ......... • • • •.. . 5 James Jardine, Esq 5 5 The Hon. Douglas Kinnaird ........ 10 10 Earl Dudley . ...... • .. . 100 0 Dr. G. C. I:, Buchanan • . 5 5 Professor Wilson ..... 10 10 Anthony Mactier, Esq. ........... 5 Sir T. D. A eland, Bart. M.P. 10 10 John Richardson, Esq...... ..... 0 0 ---• London.: Printed by Jos EPII CT.AYTON, at the Office of Mr. Ci.ow Es, Stamford Street.

Published by F. C. WHATLEY, 159, Strand ; by whom Advertisements and Communications to the Editor will be received. Orders received by all Newsmen

in Town and Country. . , •. •