No, IV. price l's•
CoNTEvzs.-Art. I. Life and Works of Wieland.II. Cailliaud's Travels to Wro'd, and the White River, &c.-Ill. Spanish Novelists.IV. Niebuhr's Roman History.-V. Neapolitan Superstitions.-VI. Paixhan's New Maritime Force and Artillery.VII. Leltrun's Voyage to Greece.-VIII. Modern Spanish Comedy.IX. Italian Literature of the Eighteenth Century.-X. Illyrian Poetry.-XI. Kleist's Dramatic Works.-KII. Retzch's Illustrations of Hamlet.--XIII. to K.KVI. Critical Sketches of Latin, Italian, French, German, and Spanish Woiks,-M iscellaneous Notices, No. I V.List of the Principal Works published on the Continent, from January to April, 1S25.
Published by Treuttel and Wfirtz, Trenttel, Jun., and Richter, 30, Soho-square; of whom may be had Numbers I. II. and III.
No. V. will appear in August.