The operations in the Money,market during the week have not been extensive; but the fluctuations have been more frequent than the jobbers anticipated, considering how little in the way of real news has occurred to influence the prices. Consols for the Account, which on 1ViondayMorning opened at 87k, declined on the afternoon of that day to 86i, without any other cause than the ordinary contrivances of the market ; and during the week, they were done as low as 86. On Friday an express from Paris bringing the prices of the French funds rather higher, and a number of rumours about the abandonment of the expedition to the Morea, the determination of the Porte to evacuate the Morea, Sze., but none of which appeared to be well founded—caused a rise of k per cent.; the opening price having been 87k, and the closing price 871, both for Money and the Account. It will be seen from this statement, that the fluctuations during the week have not been of consequence in point of amount, notwithstanding their frequency. It may be added, that the Jews are supposed to be large holders ; and the jobbers, who are generally influenced by the course which they take, express some confidence in the stability of the present prices. The public will do well, however, in the present state of things, to abstain as much as possible from exten sive sales and purchases, as a few days may be expected to decide the truth or falsehood of reports which are supposed to have a direct influence upon money transactions.
In the Foreign market, the fluctuations in the principal stocks have not been extensive. Russian bonds, which on Monday were at 94k, closed on Friday at 95; Austrian bonds are also at 95; and the French funds in our Exchange are rather higher than they were on Monday. The last prices were 106i, at an exchange of 25. 30, for the 5 per cents.; in the 3 per cents. there were no transactions ; Colombian bonds of 1824, which on Monday were at 234, closed on Friday at 23k; and Mexican bonds of the 6 per cent. loan, which closed on Monday at 391, were on Friday done at 40. In the other stocks there is nothing particular to notice. Brazilian bonds are at 63; Buenos Ayres 43; Danish 61i ; Greek 17i; Neapolitan, 77f, ex dividend; Portuguese 541; Spanish 101 1.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocd.
The funds are pretty steady. Consols have fluctuated from 87k to 874. They are now 87k. Russian Bonds, 94k to 95; Austrian, ; Portuguese Bonds, 541.
FOUR o'cLocd.—Closing prices of Consols, 87 d. In the Foreign market there was no alteration. An express has arrived from Paris; but it communicates no political intelligence of interest, and there is no alteration in the French funds worthy of notice.