Oa the 31st ult., Lady MART VYNER, of a daughter. At Blount court, the Viscountess DUNGARYAN, of a daughter. On the 3e1 inst., at Blackheath, Lady BARBARA NEW DIOATE, of a son. On the 28th ult., at Leamington. Warwickshire, the Lady of RICHARD BOLTON, Esq.
of a son and heir.
On the &I inst., at Eaton Square. Lady MARY BUNDAS, of a daughter, still-born. On the 2d inst., at Egham Park. the Lady of Colonel SALWEY, of a daughter. On the 1st inst.. at Tooting. at the house of her father, Colonel Rice, C.B., the Lady
of Capt. Fong]) Bows. 95th Regt., of a drinker. On the 26th ult„ at Henbury Vicarage, Gloucestershire, the Lady of the Rev. H. II. WA?, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 5th inst.. at St. George's, Hauover Square, Mr.Rusnour. COCKERELL, son of Sir Charles Cockerel', to the Hon. Miss EoLxv, daughter of the late and sistor of the Present Lord Foley. On the 5th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, SIMON FRAZER CAMPBELL, Esq., 'On of the late Colonel Campbell. of the 7dth Highlanders. to ',extras, third daughter ef Colonel Tynte, of Halswell House, Somerset, null Kevan Mabley, Glatoorgaushire, 14.1). for Bridgewater. At Trinity Church. Marylebone, A. JOHNSTONE junior, Esq.. M.P., to PRISCILLA, eklest daughter of T. F. Buxton, Esq.. M.P. At St. Milry'S ChitIrd,, Io115 KENNEDY, Esq., his y's Secretary of Legation at The Court of Naples. son of the Hon. Robert Kennedy, to AMELIA I.ARIA, otily (laughter of Samuel Briggs, Esq., of Alexandria. Oa the 2d inst., at Christchurch. Mary-Leh.le r 611, CHARLES TANKER'. ELLE %Vellum Roll, Barristerat•Law, to the Lady ADELAIDE CHARLOTTE KIN°, youngest daughter of the Earl of Kingston. Ou Monday, the 4th inst., at the District Church of the Trinity. St. Marylebone, WILLIAM SsstrAlt, Esq ,eldest son of William Samler, Esq., of Blaekheath Park, in the County of Kent, to ESTHER MARIA Dwelt/sox, youngest minis Mg daughter of the late Thomas Dickinson, 1,7,4i., of lver, in the Connty of Bucks, and eldest adapted daughter of William leak,' Esq., of Upper 'burley Street, in the County of Middlesex.
On the 2r1 inst., at St. Mary's, Lambeth, Mr. JOHN IDLY of Walworth, eldest son of III.' late John Idle, Esq., to ANNE, eldest daughter ofJohn Ferran. Esq., late Secretary to the East I whit Dock Company. On the 7th inst., by special licence, in the Chapel at Bromley Palace, Sir .11,11M MOR DA UNT. Bart„ of tValton, in the county of Warwick, IO CAROLINE SOPHIA, smarm'. daughter of the Bishop of Rochester. On the 7111 inst., at Ellmontou Chinch, the Rev. TiromAS SALE, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Minister of Weld Chapel, Southgate, to LviriA It awLiNsos, youngest daughter of the late John Walker, Esq., of Arno's Grove, Southgate.
On the 2.1 inst., at Woodford, Northamptonshire, after ten days' illness, HARRIET, wife of the R ight Hon. Charles Arbuthnot. ill Iter 41st year. On the 26111 ult., at Boulogne-sur-Mer, in her s'th year, the Dowager Lady LAKE, relict of the late Sir James Winter Lake, Bart.
K ATHA SINE, the wile of Major-Gem J. 'toss, Lient.-Governor of Guernsey.
At Lindigul, W. BUCK LEY, Kt' Infantry.
Near Wexford. MARY, sister to Gen. Sir It, Brownrigg. Bart. At Revere, near Worcester, W. Cm, v, Esq., in his 91st year.
On the inst., in her 51st year, at Doddington Place, SAILA II, rend of the liev.
John Prince, Vicar of Buford. Wilts, and 45 years Chaplain of the Magdalen Charity. On the 27th ult., at Ids Lrother's house, Raebank, Selkirk, Colonel AV thus m CLAIR WEMYSS, in his 72d year.
On the 3,1 inst., at Sheeruess, of cholera, Viee-Admiral, Sir It [CHARD KING.
On the 19111 ult., at Bolton, in her 70th year. Mrs. HANNAH WOLSTENCROET and on the 21st, at the same place, in her 7011, year, Miss SAR sit TILTESLEY. They were twin sisters. and were both buried in one grave the same day. In Dublin. from injeries received by the falling of a building, Mr. JosEen SWAN, of I he Theatre Royal. a favourite performer as Harlequin.
On the 6th inst., at Lancing Vicarage, the Rev. THOMAS NASII, A.M., for many years Minister of that parish.