9 AUGUST 1834, page 16

Steamers And Wherries On The Thames.

THE Watermen's Company are attempfibg to put a stop to steamboats plying between London anti Woolwich, Greenwich, Putney, and other places at a short distance from London......

Theatrical Novelties.

ANOTHER of those lively and graceful vehicles of pleasantry and satire, the mythological burlesques which VESTRIS naturalized on the stage, has been brought out at the Victoria,......

A Broad Farce By Morton, Called The Dragon, Is The

only novelty at the English Opera ; but others are announced as forthcoming. The new farce is only musicalinasmuch as Mrs. IV AYLirr introduces a ballad or two in the course of......

Decision In Mr. D. W. Iiarvey's Case.

TIIE Committee on the Inns of Court have laid their report before the House of Commons. It entirely exculpates Mr. Harvey from the charges on the ground of which the Benchers of......

Report Of The Drunken Committee.

AN amusing document has appeared among the Parliamentary Papers of the week, in the shape of a " Report of the Select Committee of Inquiry on Drunkenness." It commences with a......