The fluctuations of the English Funds have been more extensive than usual; depending very materially upon the state of the weather. At the commencement and during the early part of the week, prices were depressed; but with the more favourable appearances of the last two days an improvement has occurred, and the quotations of today are as high as any recently recorded. The aspect of the Funds will for the next six weeks depend upon that of the Corn-market, and our fluctuations will be governed by those of Mark Lane, as in the present conjuncture any large export of bullion must be regarded with apprehension. Bank and India Stock maintain their prices; the former having been done at 211, and the latter at 2723. We have also to record the rather unusual occurrence of a bar- gain in South Sea Stock; which has today been quoted at 113. The business in Foreign Bonds has been of an unsually limited character, and scarcely anything has occurred worth remark.
The transactions in Railway Shares have been extensive, and most of the larger and more important lines have improved; the reports made to the venous half-yearly meetings, many of which occur about this period of the year, being of a very favourable character : and this circumstance, in conjunction with the prospect of the advantageous acquisition of the construction and leasing of branch-lines, has given a general impulse to most of the heavier description of Railway Shares. The most important meeting of this kind has been that of the Grand Junction proprietors: the result of the experiment of cheap fares seems upon that line to have been eminently successful; the amount received for the carriage of passengers and goods having been greater by 30,9001. in the six months just ended than in the previous half-year, though a very large reduction had been made in passenger- fares and the rates of merchandise. Encouraged by past success, the Directors have determined upon a still further reduction: passengers will be now carried upon this railway in first-class carriages at rates very little above those usually charged in other railways for the second class, and the fares of the second and third classes will be proportionally reduced. It is not our practice to notice such matters in this department of the Spectator; but as the Directors of the Railway in question have been the first to introduce the system of cheap fares, in the success of which the public are deeply interested, it gratifies us to report that the success of the experiment is such as to insure a continuance of the system.
With the cessation of Parliamentary Committees the fervour of speculation in a certain class of Shares has entirely ceased. The great lion of the season, the London and York, maintains its reputation however, to the last, and was in the ascendant this afternoon. The South Midland also continues to improve, and has been done today at 5 premium. The Cheltenham and Banbury, one of the sup- plemental lines of the South Midland, are also in demand, at between 3 and 4 premium. Notwithstanding the mass of projects now before the public, new ones are daily poured forth; and the session of 1846 will be more encumbered with Railway legislation than even the present one.
Among the Foreign Railwayst the principal feature has been the enormous amount. of business transacted in the Shares of the Great Luxemburg Com- pany, without the occurrence of any very material change in price. The Shares, which had been as high as 13 premium, had fallen last week to 3 premium, and have since been as low asi; between which price and 3 and 3 31110e thousands of Shares have changed hands without producing any material effect upon the mar- ket. Ganneron's Paris sail Lyons, which had nearly fallen into oblivion, have re- covered, in consequence of some extensive purchases, and from i premium have risen to 3. The other and smaller descriptions of Foreign Shares are without any material change; but, as is the case with our market) the heavier and more im- portant varieties evince a tendency to improvement.
The wet weather has produced an unfavourable effect upon the English Funds, which are lower than yesterday. There is no material change in the Foreign Market, and the prices are the same as yesterday. The only business as yet transacted in Railway Shares has been in the following: London and York, 33; Lynn and Dereham, 43; Newcastle and Berwick, 243; Paris and Rouen, 413.
SATURDAY, Two o'cLocx.
The English Funds improved slightly during the day, but have gone back again, and close at the morning's potation. We cannot notice any material change in the Foreign Bonds. Just before the close of business intelligence was received at the Stock Exchange of a decision in the Commons adverse to the pretensions of the York Line, and these Shares have declined 1/. The Shares of two new lines were dealt in today; namely, the Great North and South of France, (Pepin La Hors,) which was quoted at 61, premium, and the Anglo- Belgian, which was done at 11. The following bargains have occurred since the morning; whence it will be seen that the general tone of the market is good: Armagh, Portrush, and Coleraine, 21; Bristol and Exeter, New, 123 113; Caledonian, 103 3; Chester and Holyhead, 22; Dublin and Belfast, Extension, 833; Dundalk and Enniskillen, 23; Eastern Counties, 203 1 3; Great Western, Extension, 333; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 87 88; Ely and Bedford, 433 5 g; Great Southern and Western, Extension, (Ireland,) 33 #; Great Western, (Fifths,) 50; Hull and Selby, 263; Birmingham, 250 253 ; Ditto, Thirds, 56; Ditto, Quarters, 363; Brighton, 791; Croydon, 2433; Ditto, New, 14; South-western, 834 82; London and York, 533 44; Lynn and Ely, 83 74 8; Manchester and Leeds, 203 2; Newcastle and Berwick, 25 24 25; North British, 30; Ditto, New, 93 4 4; Norwich and Brandon, 24; South Devon, 314; South Wales, 54; Trent Valley, 19; Boulogne and Amiens, 11; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 63; Ditto, (Rosamefs,) 23 3 13-16; Royal North of Spain, 23; Sambre and Meuse, 63; West Flanders, 433.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
98f 9 99 1 Columbian ex Venezuela ...
Danish 3 per Cents 171 18 88 9 3 per Cent Reduced.. ..... 99f i
Dutch 21 per Cents.. ex tilt,.
624 3 34 per Cents
1021 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 994 100 Long Annuities
11 1
3lexican 5 per Cents 351 6 Bank Stock
211 Ditto Deferred;
194 4
Exchequer Bills Prem. 49 61 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 641 661 India Stock
272 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 64 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents
88 9
Russian 5 per Cents 118 119 Belgian 41 per Cents
100 1 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 361 7 Chilian 6 per Cents
101 3 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
374 8