Last Night's Gazette Announces Some Of The Appointments...
besides that of Peter Robert Lord Willoughby De Eresby to be an additional member of the Fine Arts Commission, of Lord Arthur Lennox to be Clerk to the Board of Ordnance, and of......
The Theatres.
THOSE LWO little laughing places in the Strand, whose wide-open entrances, gaily lighted, invite the passengers to come in and be merry, lured us inside their doors this week,......
Sydney Papers To The 10th Of April Have Been Received
this morning. The Stains Castle was to sail on the following day, with two hundred troops for Auck- land, and fifty more in another vessel, which was all that Sir George Gipps......
Her Majesty And Prince Albert Will Leave Woolwich In The
Royal yacht The Victoria and Albert, Lord Adolphus Fitzelarence, this afternoon about .six o'clock; and, attended by the Porcupine, steam-surveying vessel, Captain Frederick......
The Paris Constitutionnel States That The Immense...
Princess De Joinville in Brazil, rich in mineral, forest, and sugar productions, is hence- forward to be worked by free labour. A telegraphic despatch from Toulon states the......
The Queen Prorogued Parliament, In Person, At Two O'clock...
or course, a munber of spectators collected to view the approach of the cor- tege from Buckingham Palace; but the crowd was not very great. The Sovereign, however, received the......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY /AFTERNOON. The fluctuations of the English Funds have been more extensive than usual; depending very materially upon the state of the weather. At the......