9 AUGUST 1845, Page 20


Tuesday, Aug. 5.


Brown and Preston, Manchester, cotion-spinners-Farrer and Duckworth, Liverpool, eeffee-merchants-Smith and Donell, Watling Street, muslin-warehousemen-J. and J. Williams, Worcester, rectifiers-Branston and Sons, Newark-upon-Trent, grocers ; as far as regards J. Branston-Westminster Mining Association, Llanarnion in Yale, Denbighshire; as far as regards (land J. Thompson -Reed and Co. Sunderland, saill-cloth-manufacturers-T. F. and F. E. Freely, Weymouth, cigar-merchants-White and Williams, Tetbury, surgeons-Downs and Martin, Nottingham, drapers-Warren and Son, Carmarthen, chemists-Rowett and Titherington, Liverpool, ship-brokers- W. and S. Nettle, St. Austell, Cornwall, linendrapers-Fynney and Brother, Man- chester, muslin-manufacturers-Cooper and Read, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, grocers-WLaren and Co Glasgow, merchants ; as far as regards W. Jamieson- Donald and Co. Inverury, tanners; as far as regards A. Lyon.


BARNES, MARE, Woodbridge, chemist, to surrender Aug. 12, Sept, 18 : solicitors, 2iessrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

BRYAN, JAMES. Bristol, chemist, Aug. 21, Sept. i6: Mr. Irvin, King's Road, Gray's /nn Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.

CoATE9, GEORGE, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, apothecary, Aug. 14, Sept. 19: solicitor, Scard, North Crescent, Bedford Square ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street.

KEMP, JAMES COLQUIIOUN, Liverpool, merchant, Aug. 20, Sept. 19 solicitors, Messrs. Brooksbank and Fern, Gray's Inn Square ; Mr. Brown, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; Mr. Snowball, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.

LUCKIN, GEORGE, High Holborn, bootmaker, Aug. 19, Sept. 18: solicitor, Mr. Wil- kin, Furnival's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Ahchurch Lane.

LUXTON, Jolla PERKIN, Munster Street, Regent's Park, linendraper, Aug. 12, Sept. 26: solicitor, Mr. Lloyd, Milk Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

SMITH, JOHN AUGUSTUS GUSTAvUS, Manchester, auctioneer, Aug. 15, Sept. 9: solici- tors, Messrs. 3lakinson and Sanders, Temple ; Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Man- chester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.


Sept. 10, Betts, Cardiff, grocer-Aug. 29, Bowering, Bristol, hotelier- Sept. 5, Cora- Mins, Weymouth, bookseller-Aug. 28, Saffran, Huddersfield, cloth-merchant-Aug.

18, Clarke, Sheffield, builder. CERTIFICAlES.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Aug. 26, Burrell, Park Place, St. John's Wood, wine-merchant-Aug. 26, Wright, Earl's Collie, Essex, bullder-Aug. 26, Hill, Retreat, Hackney, out of business-Aug. 26, Patterson and Codling, Sheriff Hill, Durham, earthenware-mauufacturers-Aug. 26, Williams, Oxford, woollendraper-Aug. 27, Howson, Leeds, grocer- Aug. 27, Walker junior, Leeds, butcher-Aug. 28, Morris, Stourbridge, grocer-Aug. 28, M. and W. Cheetham, Manchester, dyers.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Aug. 26. PrIddey, Droltwich, Worcestershire, upholsterer-Williams and Stanes, Chelmsford, auctioneers-Yates, York Road, skip-owner-Lowe, Bristol, turner.


Radford and Co. Manchester, ironfounders ; third div. of 2:. ind., and first, second, and third dirs. of 6s. 0.td. on new proofs, Aug. 12, or any Tuesday after Oct. 1; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Wood and Co. Workington, bankers ; fourth div. of 2d. Aug. 9, and subsequent Saturday, and the three last Saturdays in Oct.; Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane-May, Alyddelton Street, Clerkenwell, watch-manufacturer ; first div. of 78. Aug. 9, and subsequent Saturday, and three last Saturdays in Oct.; Mr. Groom, Au- church Lane-Cawthom, Salisbury Street, Strand, wine-merchant ; first div of 3s. 4d. Aug. 9, and subsequent Saturday and three last Saturdays in Oct.; Mr. Groom, Ab- church Lane-Gardner, Gravesend, tavern-keeper ; first div. of Is. Aug 9, and subse- quent Saturday, and three last Saturdays in Oct., Mr. Groom, _kbchurch Lane-Ham- blen, Queen's Road, Bayswater, corn-agent ; first div. of 25. 6d. Aug. 6, and subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Blundell, Alton, Hampshire, plumber ; second div. of 9d. Aug. 6, and subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Myers, Sunderland, victualler ; first and final div. of 2s. lid. any Saturday after Aug. 2; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Jarrett, Castle Street, Southwark, hat-manufacturer ; fourth div. of 21d. any Wednesday ; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Kettel, Ton- bridge Wells, brewer ; final div. of 9fd. Aug. 6, 13; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard- Gorton junior, Grosvenor Row, bookseller ; final div. of 5s. 9d. Aug. 6, 13; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Payne, King Street, Covent Garden, tailor ; first div. of 2s. 6d. Aug. 6, 13; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-3Iardall, New Shoreham, insurance broker ; first div. of Is. na. Aug. 6, 13; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Dale, London Wall, bootmaker; first city. of 2:. 8d. Aug. 6, 13; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard- Metcalf, Liverpool, grocer ; final div. of bid. Aug. 7, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Caxenove, Liverpool-Haward, Colchester, grocer ; tint dlr. of 2s. na. any Wednes- day; Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.


Blialgr, R., Paisley, manufacturer, Aug. 11, Sept. 11.

Friday, Aug. 8.


Hyde and Umfrey. Oxford, woollendrapers-W. and II. Linfield, Storrington, Sussex, farmers-Halse and Ford. Manchester-Shipman and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufac- turers-Room and Armstrong, Liverpool, sailmakers-Campbell and Co. Mexico, mer- chants; as far as regards A. Woods and G. Alston-Dennistoun and Co. Kingston, Jamaica, merchants ; as far as regards A. Woods and G. eIston-llannon and Dur- ham, Brentford, omnibus-proprictors-Bunney and Preston, Kingston-upon-Hull, at- torniee-Brice and Co. Liverpool, corn-merchanls-Lean and Brother, St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, merchants-Dale and Hulme, Manchester, hat-manufacturers- Withers and Roberts, Southampton, auctioneers-Poole and Co. Dover, Ironmongers; as far as regards W. Russell-Wilson and Tavenior, Birmingham, manufacturers of plated wares-Noblett and Ostler, Drury Lane, tanners-R. W. and G. F. Crowdy, Faringdon, Berkshire, attornies-De Baste and Sutherland, Darlington, schoolmasters -Duff and Co. Douglas, Isle of Man, wine-merchants-Dale and Co. Fulham, school- masters ; as far as regards J. and A. E. Dale.


ACTON, Jolla, Lichfield, farmer, to surrender Aug. 26, Sept. 23: solicitors, Mr. Hodg- SOU, Lichfield; Messrs. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham.

BANDTINO, JESSE, Liverpool, stationer, Aug. 20. Sept. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co., Bartlett's Buildings ; Mr. To:do:Lin, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.

BENNETT, Jeeps, Little Birch, Herefordshire, cattle-dealer, Aug. 26, Sept. 11: titers, Mr. Underwood, Hereford ; Messrs. blotteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.

Glees, JonN, Headless Cross, near Redditeh, publican, Aug. 23, Sept. 20: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood, Temple ; 3Ir. Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.

LAW, JOHN, and Heneow, Eli, Ramsden Wood, Lancashire, cotton-spinners, Aug. 18, Sept. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co., Temple ; Messrs. Hitchcock and Co., Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.

af ARLAND, JouN junior, Todmorden, Lancashire, roller-maker, Aug. 22, Sept. 15: so- licitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co., Temple ; Mr. Blair, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.

Breve, Tnoires, Ann's Place, Hackney Road, licensed-victualler, Aug. 15, Sept. 19: solicitor, Mr. Futvoye, John Street, Bedford Row; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Bariinghall Street.

TAYLOR, THOMAS, Addle Hill, out of business, Aug. 15, Sept: 25: solicitor, Mr. Swan, Great Knightrider Street ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.

WATTS, WILLIAM REED, Bath, chemist, Aug. 22, Sept. 23: senators, Messrs. Hale and Co. Ely Place; Mr. Maul:, Bath ; official assignee, 3Ir. Hutton, Bristol.

WINTER, JOHN, Hatton Garden, plate-glass factor. Aug. 19, Sept. 18: solicitor, Mr. Hughes, Chapel Street, Bedford Bow; official assignee, Sir. Belcher, King's Arrns Yard.

WOOD' CONSTANTINE, Lewisham, out of business, Aug. 15, Sept. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Rhodes and Lane, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basing- ball Street. DIVIDENDS.

Aug. 30, Yandie and Field. Beaumont Street, Marylebone, coachmakers-Aug. 30, Bunting and Jeffcoat, East Harding Street, bookbinders-Aug.30, Rossiter, Bridgewater, jeweller-Aug. 30, Thompson, Southampton, grocer.-Aug. 30, Alden, Oxford, sta loner -Aug. 30, Goodeve, Aldermanbury, warehouseman-Aug. 30, Minister, Argyll Place, Regent Street, tailor-Aug. 30, Hardicy, Newport, Isle of Wight, miller-Oct. I, Hentig Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant-Sept. 2, Thackery, Leeds, dyer-Sept. 4, Park, Leeds,

woollencloth-manufacturer-Sept. 5, Cox, Weymouth, Ironmonger-Aug. 29, Atkhill011, Sunderland, hardwareman-Sept. 20, Bingley, New York, merchant.


Do be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Aug. 29, Robinson, King William Street, Strand, spirit-merchant-Aug. 29, Lewis, Ashford, Kent, carman-Aug. 29, Carr, Fore Street, Cripplegate, cheesemonger-Aug. 29, Slater, Montpellier Square, Brompton, cabinetmaker-Aug. 29, Lowthin and Brie- ley, Newcastle-upon-Tyee, ptinters-Aug. 29, Greenhow, North Shields, ship-broker..,. Aug. 29, Simpson, Talentire, Cumberland, shipowner-Sept. 2, APAlpine, Liverpool, tailor.

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or beforv Aug. 29. Thackery, Leeds, dyer-Cox, Weymouth, Ironmonger-Harrison, Leeds, pattern- dyer-RW.1We, Great Marylebone Street, bootmaker.


Greenwood, Bradford, Yorkshire, bookseller ; div. of 4s. any day on and after Mol8da3' Aug. I I ; at Mr. Young's Leeds-Martin, Durham, draper; that Ws'. of 25. 6d. any U. turday after Aug 5; at Mr. Baker's Neweastle-upon-Tyne.-Atkinson,Neweastle-upon- Tyne, colour-manufacturer ; first div. of Is. Aug. 9, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Isherwood, Manchester, engraver to calico-printers ; first div. of 69d. Aug. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Pott, Mall- chester-Bakewell, Manchester, size-manufacturer ; final div. of lid, and 15-16ths of a penny, Aug. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Potts, Manchester-- J. S. W., and It. K. Waller, Manchester, cotton-spinners; first div. of Id. and 43-64th8 of a penny, any Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Wood, Burslem, Staf- fordshire, banker; first and final div. of IS-lids of a penny, as one of the partners of the Imperial Bank, any Wednesday after Oct. 5; and final div. of 11d. on the separate estate, on Wednesday Aug. 13, or any subsequent Wednesday after Oct. 5; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Rogers, Dale Hall, near Burslem, earthenware-manufacturer; fourth div. of 3s. Aug. 1 or any subsequent day until Aug. 16, or any Thursday after Oct. 4; Mr. Yalpy, Birmlngham.-J. and G. Clarke ; second divof7d. any Thursday ; 31r. Chris- tie, Birmingham-Coupland and Colton, Liverpool, merchants ; fifth div. of 6d. on Aug. 14, or any subsequent Thursday, (except from Aug. 18 until Oct. 4); Mr. GSM- nove, Liverpool-Poole, Liverpool, accountant ; first dlv. of 3s. Aug. 7, or any subse- quent Thursday (except from Aug. 18 until Oct. 4) ; Mr. Ctaenove, Liverpool-White, Liverpool, merchant ; fifth div. of 3d. any day before Aug. 12; Mr. Bird, Liverpoo1- Swal111, Liverpool, merchant; third div. of 42d. any day before Aug. 12; Mr. Bird-, Liverpool. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. 7 GARDINER, J., Dunfermline, manufacturer, Aug. 15, Sept. 12. 111•DoNALD, D., Dunfermline, grocer, Aug. 16, Sept. 16. SHOKLEDGE, R., Edinburgh, merchant, Aug. 12, Sept. 9. Wusos, T., Peebles, druggist, Aug. 15, Sept. 12.