A letter with the signature of the Reverend Elias Thackeray, of Dundalk, to Mr. O'Connell, approving of Mr. O'Connell's last plan for settling tile tithe question, appeared in the Dublin Evening Post, together with an elaborate reply from Mr. O'Connell. The Dublin Evening Mail says that the letter with Thaekeray's signature is an im- pudent forgery. Referring to Lord Bandon's disclaimer of having unhoused 247 of his poor tenants, the Belfast Northern Whig says—" It is toiderstood, that the people are to he turned out ; and the poor creatures have ad- dressed a most pathetic memorial to Lord Bandon, appealing to his mercy. To say, then, that they are yet in their houses, is not denying what has been published. Perhaps, the notice which has been taken of the case, may be in favour of the unfortunate individuals."