Ventilation And Warming Of Buildings. To The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR. MR. EDITOR — Having read your article on Mr. H000's plan of warming with hot water, and seeing also that all theories with respect to the warming and ventilating have......
Shall We Retain, Or Turn Out, The Whig Ministers?
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Reform Club, Friday, 8th December 1837, Sri—In common with others, you must recollect Lord DURHAM'S declara. lion previous to the meeting of......
The Paris ■•■ - Aitain To Mews F In'sect. 'ila‘ ...a•si Ter
noticed iii tint is the late :Mg ill IV, ; which, they. without exelT7ien, he vroet e t 1 mi.. e..1: the Whim, ar..1 the equally ccnt,imn hou,: 11 poss::)..:. more remote,......
A Ministry Of And For The People.
[FROM • CORRESPONDENT.] The People of England are a "mighty people," according to the talk of their admirers. Mighty they are, beyond a question; but to what good end are they......
East India Shipping.
• Arriterth--6.t Groynes& Om8th. Frances Smith, Edmonds. from Bengal ; 9th, Indus, id•Farlane, from ditto; •Ild SCOliffleld: Evans, from Bombay. At Liverpool, llsid,./tanger,......
Money Market.
STOCK EICERNOIL FRIDAY ArfEINOON. The Consol Market his evinced feebleness, and is an ath per cent, lower than it was on Saturday. There has been, however, very little business......