The People of England are a "mighty people," according to the talk of their admirers. Mighty they are, beyond a question; but to what good end are they so? To little else than to sustain an aristocracy in power, and to enforce misrule over every colony under its government. :bete cannot be a better proof of the thraldom in which the Aristo. eraeg hold the People of England, than the fact that they have pro- claimed it far and wide as an ineontestible truth, that a Radical Government is an impossibility. One of two sections of the Aristo- cracy, say they, must administer the Government of Great Britain. The "mighty English People" have had this so look; dinned into their ears, that they probably have come to admit the truth of the assertion, to a considerable extent. They would do well to rid themselves of aastelt a delusion. If a Radical Government be impossible, it certainly is not so for want of men to compose it ; for it were an easy task to place a Radical instead of a Whig in each office, and challenge a com- parison betwixt them. No, no ; the impracticability must be referred to something else than the want of men fit and willing to serve their country in office. Is it that the "mighty People of England" are too weak to sustain a Radical Ministry against the two Aristocratical parties ? Not a bit of it. But if the People believe that they are, they will never mend their condition. To assist them in awakening from this stupor, let us chalk out a Ministry which might be constructed without either Whig or Tory scaffolding. Here, for instance, is cue (imaginary) list.
Presideat of the Council J•ates ABERCROMBY.
}Int Lord of the Treasury Lord Dr RHAM. Chancellor of the Exchequer GEORGE GROTE. Lord Chancellor THOMAS WILD!.
Home Secretary JOSEPH HUME. Foreign Secretary CHARLES PELHAM Vit.htitas. Culoosal Secretary CHARLES HULLER. First Lord of the Admiralty EDWARD STRUTT.
President of the Board of Trade Ilisirtv WARBURTON.
Vice-President of Ditto THOMAS THORNELT.
Secretary at War HENRY GEORGE WARD. Privy Seal pro tern. with
R B Chancellor of Duchy,of Lancaster ALPH ERNAL.
Attorney•General SUTTON SHARPS. Solicitor-General JOHN ROMILLY.
Suitable men for all the offices are not suggested, because the above list comprises all that are essential to an Administration entitled to the confidence of the country. We have many others to spare ; for we have not even named Messrs. EWART, DUCKWORTH, HUTT, AGLIONBY, TANCRED, ROEBUCK, HAWES, CLAY, Dr. LUSIIINGTON, Lord W. BENTINLK, E. ELLICE junior, Colonel THOMPSON, MT. W. MAULE, ( M.P. for Carlow,) Mr. CHARLES AUSTIN, Mr. JOHN MILL, and others.