The Duke of Somerset is desirous of retiring from the
office at the head of the Literary Fund Society, which his tirace has so lung held with honour to himself and advantage to tine charity. A general meet- ing of the subscribers to the charity will, it appears, be held to testify their respect for the noble Duke, 4:Guided with the expression of their regret at the loss which the charity can hardly fail to sustain in conse- quence. Her Majesty hns been graciously pleased to accept the office of patroness to the society, in the place of the late King.— Times.
On Thursday, the ceremony of consecrating the South Metropolitan Cemetery at Norwood was performed by the Bishop of Winchester. lie arrived at the ground at two o'clock; and was received by the beard of Directors and many of the most respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood. Had it not been for the severity of the weather, the interesting esremony would, no doubt, have been witnessed by thou- sands.—Post.
A new opera Lc Domino Neir, written by M. Scribe, doe music by Anther, was performed for the lirst time at the Opera Com:.,nne, Paris, on Saturday night last, acid completely succeeded.