The week has produced several reprints ; one of the
most remarkable of which is a third edition of Lord Nugent's "Life of Hampden," with an unpretending but dear, able, and masterly memoir of the public life of Lord Nugent,—evidently by a confidential friend, from the nature of the documents he quotes. Lamartine's "Celebrated Characters" has reached a second edition, with a new life of Milton. There is also a second edition of "The Quiet Heart," as well as of the " Ballad of the Battle of the Alma." "The Sunday at Home" is the collection into a sightly volume of a very cheap weekly periodical, with well-varied and interesting matter designed
for Sabbath reading, published by the Religious Tract Society. "The Leisure Hour" is the third volume of a similar publication, apparently emanating from the same source, but of a more secular cast.
Some Memorials of John Hampden, his Party and his Mmes. By Lord Nugent. Third edition, revised, with a Memoir of the Writer. ifenioirs of Celebrated Characters, By Alphonse De Lamartine, Au. thor of History of the Girondists." In two volumes. Second edi. tion, with additions.
The Quiet Heart. By the Author of "Katie Stewart." Second edition. Ballad of the Battle of the Alma. Second edition, enlarged. The Sunday at Home : a Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading. 1851. The _Leisure Hour. 1854.
The History of _England. By Hume and Smollett. With the Continuation by the Reverend T. S. Hughes, B.D., &a. With His. torical Illustrations, Autographs, and Portrait& A new edition. Volume IX.
The Colonial _Almanack, for the year 1855. [In addition to the general information usually found in almanacks, The Colonial contains a great quantity of statistical and directorial matter relating to the Colonies. The tariffs are very ample.]