The Department Of War Was Removed On Monday From The
'temporary offices in Downin g Street to No. 7 Whitehall Gardens. Major-Generel Benda& will, in all likelihood, succeed to the Governorship of Portsmouth, and command of the......
We Have Been Requested To State That Convocation Will Be
prorogued on Friday the 15th instant to Tuesday the 6th of February ; then to most for the despatch of business.—Morning Chronicle.......
During The Past Week No Fewer Than 1350 Deaths Were
registered in the Metropolis. By the calculated average it might fairly have been expected that 1230 would die : there is therefore an excess of 120 over the estimated amount,......
The Earl Of Aberdeen Gave A Cabinet Dinner On Wednesday.
On Monday next there will be a select party at Argyll House, when the Queen's Speech will be read as usual. On the same evening, Lord john_Russell will entertain the Speaker and......
The "navvies," About To Augment The Working Force Of The
armies in the Crimea, are to be armed with a short carbine, a pair of pistols, and a cutlass, each man; not for the purpose of offence, but of defence, in the event of a......
Melbourne Has Been Frighted From Its Propriety In A...
way. The steamer Great Britain had been placed in quarantinein Hobson's flay; when she was released, the commander fired a feu-de-joie of rockets and cannon. The people at......
SATURDAX MORNING. By telegraph from Vienna, we learn that the Ost Deutsche Post publishes the following as the ultimatum addressed by Austria to Russia" Austria has sent her......
The French Government Has Resolved To Send Another...
the Crimea. This will be the Ninth, and placed under General Brunet. Most of the selected regiments arc in Algeria. The Army of Lyons is to be reconstituted under Marshal......
The Telegraph From The North Reports The Departure Of...
Napier's flag-ship from the Baltic ; and the official announcement of the dismissal of the Danish Ministry. " Kiel, Dec. 7.—K.M.S. Duke of Wellington, Royal George, Nile, Hogue,......
The Petrie States That The Emissaries Of The Czar Are
busily employed in Italy making overtures to the Revolutionary party in all the disaffected states. "A late Resident in Russia" forwards to the Daily News the following extracts......
It Is Understood That The Address In The House Of
Commons, on Tuesday, will be moved by Mr. Henry Herbert, Member for Kerry, and seconded by the Honourable Frederick Leveson Gower, Member for Stoke. In the House of Lords, the......
The Admiralty Yesterday Gave Notice That More...
to convey stores to the army in Turkey. The preference is given to screws of about 500 tons burden. The troop-ship Charlotte, having on board 163 men and 5 officers of the......
A Double Murder Was Committed Last Night, Just Before Nine
o'clock, in Warren Street, Fitzroy Square. A man whose name is said to be Bartlemy, accompanied by a young woman, called upon Mr. Moore, a soda-water-manufacturer in Warren......