Melbourne has been frighted from its propriety in a ludicrous
way. The steamer Great Britain had been placed in quarantinein Hobson's flay; when she was released, the commander fired a feu-de-joie of rockets and cannon. The people at Melbourne and other places had been a little nervous about a visit from the Muscovite cruisers—a cry was raised, "The Russians have come!" and it is said that a hasty arming took place. One good resulted—the Victorians learnt bow ill-prepared they were to repel a warlike visit: The temporary mercantile depression at Melbourne does not seem to have materially affected the wages of the labourers settled there but new comers are the sufferers, as they have to pay dearly for everything; and have difficulty in obtaining employment. Female servants, however, are in demand451. to 100/. a year is not bad pay for a cook at an unprosperous season.