Errata in the Gazette of Nov. 28.—For Lieut.-CoL E. T.
bongo% on the retired full-pay of the 13th Foot, to be CoL in the Army, read, Lieut.-Col. E. T. Trenton, he. For Capt. J. G. Hart, tube Major in the Army, read, Capt..?. G. Hort, bx.
OFFICE or ORDNANCE, Dec. 4.—Royal Regiment of Artillery—Brevet Colonels to ho Celonels—T. 0. Cater, vice Cram ford, removed as a General Officer; H. Pester, vice Gordon, removed as a General Officer; J. Bloomfield, vice Dundee, removed as a General Officer, Brevet Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels in the Itegiment—P. Ellis, vice Cater; N. E. Harrison, vice Pester; G. J.. L. Buchanan, vice Bloomfield. Second Captains to be Captains—R. B. M'Crea, vice Ellie; J. 1.. Elgee. vice Harmson; J. Desborough. vice Buchanan. First Lieutenants to be Second Captains—A. Vandeleur, vice M'Crea ; A. S. OFF, vice Elgee ; C. R. Hill, vice Desborough. Second Lieutenants to be First Lieutenants—W. J. Hall, vice-Vandeleur; U. P. Eden, vice Ore; C. D. Gilmour, vice Bill.
Ordnance Medical Department—Staff Assist-Surg. W. Haughton, M.B. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Donnell, promoted in the Army Medical Department.