MILITARY GAZETTE, WaiL■OFFICE, Dec. 8.—To be Lieutenants, without purchase.—lst Regt.
of Foot— Ensign G. R. Fenwick, Ensign M. J. O'Connell, Ensign C. J. T. Oakes. 4th Foot --Ensign II. J. Bower, Ensign J. Howley, Ensign .J. W. Laurie. 7th Foot—Ensign L. J. F. Jones, Ensign L. It. H. Browne. 17th Foot—Ensign .1. D. Travers, from be 12th Foot, Ensign C. G. Grant, Ensign W. 11. J. Disbrowe. 13th Foot—Ensign A.F. Unett, Ensign G. Baldwin, Ensign E. W. Evans. 20th Foot—Ensign IL B Vaughan, Ensign F. Parr, Ensign J. W. D. Lewis. 21st Foot —Second Lkut. Stephens, Second Lieut. G. W. Beaumont, Second Lieut. V. H. Lee. 23d Foot— Ensign H. D. Radcliffe, Ensign R. H. Somerville. 28th Foot—Ensign H. C. Worthington, Ensign E. G. Waldy, Ensign 1'. S. Kirkpatrick. 30th Foot—Ensign C. J. kloorsom, Ensign J. Forbes, Ensign H. C. Singleton, 33d Foot—Ensign L. It. Heyland, Ensign J. M. kl'Ifie, Ensign J. Owens. 38th Foot—Ensign .1. F. C. Boyle, Ensign T. B. Wardlaw, Ensign F. Pocklington. 41st Foot—Ensign H. S. Ensign E. L. B. Lowry, Ensign H. J. :sTowlan. 42d Foot—Ensign H.E. Moseley, Ensign R. L. Dunbar, Ensign R. Whigham. 44th Foot—Ensign F. J. Rercy, Ensign A. W. Cobham, Ensign G. A. Acklom. 46th Foot—Ensign H. C. W.Hamond, Ensign H. Lawson, Ensign E. H. Helper. 47th Foot—Ensign T. Palmer, Ensign H. B. G. Stokes, Ensign G. Waddilove. 49th Foot—Ensign C. E. Gibson, Ensign J. R. Mauls, Ensign H. D. Scoones. 50th Foot—Ensign W. W. Bond, Ensign F. L. Barwell, Ensign It. H. P. Doran. 62d Foot—Ensign IL D. Templeman, Ensign B. Ramsay, Ensign H. A. Palmer. 63d Foot—Ensism T. K. Morgan, Ensign G. P. Beamisla, Ensign S. A. Y. Benyon. 68th Foot—Ensign S. Grace, from Ilth Foot, Ensign E. Deshon, Ensign F. De L. Saunderson. list Foot— Ensign G. Campbell, Ensign C. H. S. Scott, Ensign C. G. Wingfield. 97th Foot— Ensign H. M. L. Colquhoun, Ensign G. E. Leggett, Ensign J. F. B. Dodd. 79th Foot —Ensign D. Cant, Ensign H. Mackesey, Ensign 3.51. APNair. 88th Foot—Ensign C. W. A.. T. Kenny, Ensign W. Little, Ensign II. B. Preston. 89th Foot—Ensign B. 6—Robinson, Ensigns. Hall, Ensign R. E. Beck. 90th Foot—Ensign N. Grahame, Ensign It. H. Evans, Ensign L. H. L. Irby. 93d Foot—Ensign W. Pd‘Bean, Ensign It. V. S. Grimston, Ensign A. Butter. 95th Foot—Ensign J. H. L. Brooke, Ensign J. Benison, Ensign B.. Wield. 97th Foot—Ensign F. J. Aylmer, Ensign R.
C. Goodenough, Ensign C. H. Browne.
Rifle Brigade—Second Lieut. W. .7. H. Cuninghame, Second Limit Hon. 11. W. Campbell, Second Lieut. C. A. P. Boileau, Second Lieut. Hon. A. H. A. Anson, Setend Lieut. W. Norris, Ensign Lord E. W. P. Clinton.
WAR-OFFICE, Dec. 8.-4th Drag. Guards—Lieut. T.11. Clarke to be Capt. without purchase. To be Limits, without purchase—Cornet D. P. Webb vice Clarke ; Cornet B. E. Wilkinson. 5th Drag. Guards—Lieut. C. A. D. Ballard to be CapL without pair. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Cornet It. J. Montgomery, vice Raiford; Cornet .1. S. Fergusson. 6th Drag. Guards—Lieut. F. R. Hawker to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sheraton, who retires. 7th Drag. Guards—Lieut.-Col. E. Twopeny, from half-pay of the 9th Foot, to be Lieut-CoL vice Brevet Col. Ainslie, who exchanges ; Major A. C. Bentinck to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, Nice Twopony, who retires • Capt. C. P. B. Walker to be Major, by purchase, vice Bentinck ; Lieut. W. W. Lamb to be Capt. by purchase, vice Walker. lot Drags.—Lieut. Chamberlain to be Capt. without purchase. To be Lieuts. without purchase— Cornet R. G. Glyn, vice Chamberlain; Cornet W. W. Hartopp. 2d Drags.—Lieut. F. Sutherland to be CapL without purchase. To be Lieuts, without purchase— Cornet A. Nugent, vice Sutherland; Cornet L. Prendergast. 4th Light Drags.— Lieut. and Adjt. G. Ellis, to be Capt. without purchase. To be Lieuts. without Purchase—Cornet W. A. King, vice Ellis ; Cornet G. W. Hunt. 6th Drags.—Lieut. Lieut. G. Wheatcroft to be tape without purchase. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Cornet W. S. Sleigh, vice Wheatcroft ; Cornet E. F. Dawson. 8th Light Drags.—Lieut. F. E. Macnaghten to be Capt. without purchase. llth Light Drags.—Lieut. H. A. Trevelyan to be Capt. 'without purchase. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Cornet G. A. Maddock, vice Trevelyan; Comet A. L. Annesley. 13th Light Drags.—Lieut. P. V. Purcell to be Capt. without fur, vice Goad, killed in action: Lieut. E. L. Jervis to be Capt. without purchase. To be Limits. without purchase—Cornet G. H. Goad, vice Purcell; Cornet D. T. Chamberlayne, vice Jervis; Cornet J. Dearden. 15th Light Drags.—Brevet Major It. Knox to be Major, by purchase, Tice Brevet Lieut.-Col. Blachford, who retires; Lieut. H. Lee to Capt. by purchase, vice Knox ; Comet T. F. Maude to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Lee. 16th Light Drags.— Cornet J. Canon to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Sieeman, who retires; W. Winstanley, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Stewart, promoted. 17th Light Drags.—Tobe Captains without purchase—Lieut. L. E. Knight, Vice Webb, died of his wounds; Lieut. J. W. C. Ilartopp. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Cornet D. C. Lowe, vice Knight ; Cornet A. Burnand, vice Hartopp. To be Comets without purchase—Cornet W. D. Seymour, from the Royal Horse Guards, vice Leith, promoted; J. Gibson; Gent. vice Wombwell, promoted.
let or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards—Ensign E. II. Clire, from the Rifle Brigade, to be Ensign and Lieut. without purchase, vice Balgonie, promoted. Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards—Lieut. and Capt. C. T. Wilson to be Capt. and Lieut.Col. by purchase, vice Mackinnon, whose promotion, by purchase, on the 20th Oct. 1854 has been cancelled ; Captain the Hon. II. W.J.Byng to be Adjt. vice Newdigate, promoted; T. L. Rogers, Gent, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Wildbore, who resigns. Scots Fusilier Guards—Lieut. and Capt. the Hon. J. S.:Jocelyn to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Blair, killed in action; Lieut. and Capt. and Brevet Major P. L. C. Paget to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice C. F. Seymour, killed in action. To be Lieutenants and Captains without purchase— Ensign and Lieut. W. W. Knollys, vice Jocelyn; Ensign and Lieut. ILA. Lindsay, vice Paget. 1st Regt. of Foot—Lieut. F. Wells to be Capt. without purchase, vice W. K. Allix, killed in action; Ensign A. W. Low to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Wells. 3d Foot—Lieut. R. S. Warburton to be Capt. by purchase, vice Robson, who retires; Ensign W. Stewart to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Warburton; G. G. Sutlle, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Stewart. 6th Foot—Lieut. N. A. Spoor to be Capt. by purchase, vice Piercey, who retires; Ensign T. F. Powell to be Lieut. by ptuchase, vice Spoor; it. Shiel, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Powell ; H. J. Lawrell, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Angelo, appointed to the 74th Foot. 13th Foot—Assist-Surg. D. P. Barry, M.D. from the 22d Foot, to be Burg. vice D'Arey, promoted. 18th Foot—Lieut. ..1. R. Blacker, from the 1st West India Itegt. to be lieut. vice Swaby, who exchanges. 19th Foot—Lieut. J. Lidwill to be Capt. without purchase, vice Ker, killed in action; Ensign A. Goren, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Lidwill. 20th Foot—Ensign G. Dowglasse to be LieuL without pur. vice Dowling, killed in action. 21st Foot—Ensign S. H. Clerke to be Lieut. Without purchase, vice Hurt, killed in action. Both Foot—N. W. Matey, Gent. to be Ensign, v4thout purchase, eke Austin, promoted. 386 Feet—Ensign J. T. Rogers to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Thorold, killed in action. 39th Foot—M. W. Hyslop, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Lynch, who retires. 46th Foot—H. G. Rogers, Gent to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Miller, promoted. 41st Foot— Major J. Ewan to be Lient.-Col. without purchase, vice Carpenter, killed Inaction; Brevet Major H. L. alaydwell to be Major, without purchase, vice Erman. To be Captains without purchase—Lieut, W. Hunt vice Idaydwell; Lieut. and Adjt. W. Johnston, vice Richards, killed in action. To be Lieutenants without purchase— Ensign J. A. Hamilton, vice Hunt; Ensign G. Peddie. vice Swaby, killed in action; Ensign F. Kingscote, vice Taylor, killed in action ; Ensign C. V. FitzRoy, vice Stirling, killed in action. 43d Foot—F..11in J. B. B. Elliott to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Nett, who retires; Ensign T. C. Muguire. from the 48th Foot., to be Ensign, vice Elliott. 46th Foot—Lieut C. R. Shervinton to be Captain, without purchase, vice O'Toole, dec. ; Ensign B... Coote to be Lieut. without purchase, vine Shervinton. 47th Foot—Ensign J. J. C. Irby to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Wollocombe, died of his wounds; Ensign T. Palmer to be LieuL by purchase, vice Irby, whose promotion by purchase on the 3d November, 1854, has been cancelled. 48th Foot—W. Cumming, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Maguire, appointed to the 414 Foot. 49th Foot—Ensign William Young to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice A. S . Armstrong, killed in action. 50th Foot—Ensign Arthur Evelyn Eyler to be Lieutenant, without purchase, vice Dashwood, killed in action. 51st Foot—Assistant-Surg. U. H. Webb, M.B. from the Staff, to be Surg. vice Beatson, promoted on the Staff. 55th Foot—Lieut. and Adjt. J. Warren to be CapL without purchase, vice Butler, killed in action. To be Lieute. without purchase— Ensign W. B. Johnson, vice Taylor, dec.; Ensign J. W. Trevor, vice Birch. 57th Foot—Brevet Lieut.-Col. T. Shadforth to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Goldie, died of his wounds ; Capt. H. J. Warre to be Meier, without purchase, Mee Shadforth. To be Captains without purchase—Lieut. H. Butler. vice Stanley, killed in action ; Lieut. C. W. St. Clair, vice Warre; Lieut. G. J. Forsyth, vice Bland, died of his wounds. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign G. Mitchell, vice Butlers Ensign W. A. J. Shortt, vice St. Clair; Ensign H. Bird, vice Forsyth. To be Mn' sign without purchase—D. Cm-wen, Gent. vice Shortt. 60th Foot—A. W. K. Gore, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice J. H. A. Steuart, who retires. 63d Foot— Major the Hon. It. A. G. Dalzell to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Swyny, killed in action ; Capt. T. Harries to be Major, without purchase, rice Dalzell ; Lieut. C. Le Mesurier Carey to be Capt. without purchase, vice Barnes; Ensign A. Wyberg to be Lieut without purchase, vice Curtois, killed in action. 65th Foot--Lieut. F. B. Bulkeley to be Capt. by purchase, vice Ewen, who retires; Ensign W. Little to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bulkeley ; T. A. M. Dickin, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Little. 72d Foot—To be Lieute. by purchase—Ensign lion. A. T. Fitzmaurice, vice Rice; Ensign G. L. Bassett, vice Buchannan. To be Ensigns by purchase—John Soame Richardson, Gent. vice Fitzrnaurice; Hercules Edwin Brown, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Basset. 75th Foot—Ensign Edward Villiers Briscoe to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Heyman, killed in action. 77th Foot—Lieut. B. D. Gilby to be Capt. without purchase, vice Nicholson, killed inaction; Ensign and Adjt. G. B. Morgan to havethe rank of Lieut.; Ensign G. Carden to be Lieut without purchase, TiCZ Gilby. 86th Foot—Brevet Lieut.-Col. W. L. Tudor to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Brevet Col. Alpin, deceased ; Brevet Major W. K. Stuart to be Major, without purchase, vice Tudor ; Lieut. W. II. Weaver to be Capt. without purchase, vice Stuart; Ensign A. N. Wilson to he Lieut. without purchase, vice Weaver. 88th Foot—Assist.-Surg. J. Dunlop, M.D. from the 4th Foot, to be Surg. vice Moore, promoted on the Staff. 89th Foot—Assist-Burg. R. Gilborne to be Surg. vice Roberts, promoted on the Staff. 92d Foot—Lieut. D. H. Erskine tote Capt. without purchase, vice Hon. W. Chatterris, killed in action ; Ensign W. Farquharson to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Erskine. 94th Foot—Capt. H..7. Wahab to be Paymaster, vice Shearman, appointed to the 1st Drags.
Rifle Brigade—Lieut. the Hon. J. Stuart to be Capt. without purchase, vice Cartwright, killed in action ; Sec. Lieut. F. C. Morgan to be Limit. without purchase, vice Stuart. To be Ensigns without purchase—G. H. Grey, Gent. vice Malcolm. whose promotion, by purchase, on the 10th Nov. has been cancelled; II. L. Totten. ham, Geut. vice Morgan, promoted.
lot West India Regt.—Lieut. G. Swaby, from the 18th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Blacker, who exchanges.
Staff—Col. H. Havelock, C.B. 588 Regiment, from Quartermaster-Gen. to be Adjutant to the Forces serving in the East Indies, vice Markham, promoted to be Major-Gen.; Col. G. Con,greve, C.B. 29th Regt. to be Quartermaster-General of the Forces serving in the East Indies, vice Havelock, appointed Adjt.-Geo.; Paymaster H. S. S. Burney, from the 51st Foot, to be Paymaster of a Dep8t Battalion.
Hospital Staff—Staff-Surg, of the first-class it. Lawson to be Deputy-InspectorGen. of Hospitals. Surgeons to be Surgeons of the first class—.1. G. P. Moore, from the 88th Foot, vice Lawson, promoted, G. S. Beatson, M.D. from the 51st Foot, F. Roberts, from the 89th Foot, T. D'Arcy, M.D. from the 13th Foot. Assistant-Surgeons to be Surgeons of the second class.—H. C. Widshe, M.D. from the Ordnance Medical Department, U. W. Evans, M.D. from the 16th Light Drags. W. Simpson, M.B. from the 71st Foot, N. F. Manifold, from the 67th Foot, E. W. Young, M.D. from the .11th Foot, F. Reynolds, from the Rite Brigade, vice Mackey, dec.