Friday, December &
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Champion and Son. Woolwich, plumbers-Dawes and Williams, Westbroniwich, coal-masters-Baker and Hawley, Birmingham, stationers-Dixon and Crowther, Batley, Yorkshire, cloth-manufacturers-Miles and Martin, Gilbert's Passage, Clare Market, eheesemongers--Warner and Moon. Leicester, nurserymen-Collins and Brown, Torquay, dealers in Berlin patterns-Morton and Co. Birmingham, japannersSeddon and Co. Stafford, shoe-manufacturers-Taylor and Co. Kirby Mathew, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners -Nicoll and Co. Regent Street, silk-mercers Greeson and Co. Liverpool, printers-Atkinson and Gray, Manchester, spirit-dealers-Lees and Co. Ashworth, coal-merchants-Gough and Co, Canal Bridge Wharf, Kingsland Road, patent veneer-cutters-Bigg and Son, Parliament Street, booksellers-Seddon and bi'Bride, Liverpool, sculptors -Precht and Borkheim, Liverpool-Brown and Templeton, Basinghall Street, carpet-warebousemen-Beadel and Auger, Great St. Helen's, tea-dealers-Roper and Co. Wardour Street, builders -Green and Russell, Newchurch, Kent, milers-W. and J. Savory, Gloucester, engineers-Yeomans and Horton, Westbromwich, rivet-manufacturers-Brown and Co. Bow Common, chemical-manufacturers ; as far as regards G. Brown.
BaNxturprcv ANNULLED.-BRIDGER WOOLOBR junior, Heeding, Sussex, wheelwright.
BANERoPrs.-WiLmam Wixima, Haymarket, tavern-keeper, to surrender Dec. 19, Jan. 18: solicitor, Smith, Southampton Buildings ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street-W=1Jan HUDSON, Church Street, Hackney, grocer, Dec. 14, Jan. 16: solicitor, Baron, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street -BENrantri BATLEY, Kingsland Road, corn-dealer, Dec. 14, Jan 16: solicitors, Willoughby and Cox, Clifford's Inn; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings Joule and JASPER YOUNG, Bread Street, warehousemen, Dec. 14, Jan. 11: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, " Johnson, Basinghall Street-JoHN FRISBY BENTLEY, Selby, Northamptonshire, coal-merchant, Dec. 18, Jan. 24 : solidicitors, Chilton and Co. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, .Nicholson, Basinghall Street-STEPHEN EASTWOOD, Gray's Place, Mile End Road, victualler, Dec. 13, Jan. 24: solicitor. Hodgson, Stepney; official assignee,: Pepnell, Guildhall ChambersGEowax BF.THELL, Welstead Yard, Seymour Place Bryanston Square, smith, Dec. 19; Jan. 23: solicitor, Abrahams. Southampton Buildings; offietal assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-HENRy Baowsr, Marden, Kent, potter, Dec. 21, Jan. 23: solicitors, Marten and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Eammus BOND, Wharf Road, City Road, soda-water-manufacturer, Dec.20, Jan. 17 : solicitors, Lauranee and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assigliee, Graham, Coleman Street -JOSEPH Fri.roitn, Birmingham, maltster, Dec. 20, fan. 15 : solicitor, Hawkes, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Joan HE24HY GOODERE, Merthyr Tydvil, scrivener, Dec. 20, Jan. 19: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-WH.Lum Symms, Evercreech, Somerset, tallowchandler, Dec. 19, Jan. 16: solicitors, Raider, Shepton Mallet, Somerset; Edwards and Raider, Bristol; official assismee, Miller, Rristol-litcliAnn DEBB18.1113U3, Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 20, Jan. 10 :" solicitor, Yates junior, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool.
Divnimms.-Jan. 4, Jones, Baker Street, Lloyd Square, jeweller-Jan. 11, Poland and Meredith, Bread Street, furriers.
CEarmicam5.-719 be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.-Jan. 2, Cawley, Brompton, upholsterer-Jan. 4, Dean, Bath Street, London Road, dealer-Jan. 4, Still, Weliclose Square, glass-merchant-Dec. 30, Ward, Jermyn Street, victualler-Dec. 29, Kegg, Liverpool, coal-dealer-Jan. 9, Gay, Kirkstall, Leeds, ware-grinder.
DECLAR.ATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Holden jun. Horsham, ironmonger; first div. of 6s. 3d. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street -Turner, 1Jckfield, grocer ; second div. of 104d. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Adkins, Bedworth, grocer ; first div. of 28. 5d. any Thursday; Christie, Birmiogham-Brevitt, Coventry, ironmonger; first div. of 5a. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham-Anderson, Leicester, picturedealer; first div. of 4s. 6d. on Monday next, and the two following Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham-R. Robson and J. T. Robson, Derby, silk-manufacturers; first div. of 4s. 6d.; 4s, in the separate estate of J. T. Robson; and 4s. in the separate estate of R. Robson, on Monday next, and two following Mondays; Harris, Nottingham-Dolton, Sutton St. Mary, Lincolnshire, brewer ; first div, of fis. 3d. on Monday next, and two following Monday s; Harris, Nottingham-Whitehouse and Co. Newland, Gloucestershire, tin-plate-manufacturers; div. of 208. on the separate estate of S. Whitehouse, on Wednesday next, or any subsequent Wednesday; Hutton, BristolThomiley, Bardsley, Ashton-under-Lyne, cotton-spinner; first div. of 3a. 68. on Tuesday next, and every following Tuesday ; Hernaman, ManchesterBowell, Manchester, publican; further div. of Gd. on Tuesday next, and every following Tuesday ; Hernaman, Manchester-Wild, Hurst, Ashton-under-Lyne, cottonspinner; first div. of 98. on Tuesday next, and every following Tuesday ; Hemaman, Manchester-Kennedy, Manchester, dealer; first div. of ls. 68. on Tuesday next, and every following Tuesday; Hemamau, Manchester.
ScoTcn SEGHIESTRATIONS.-Thomeon, Glasgow, music-publisher, Dec. 15-Simpson, Smiddy Hill, Kinross, miller, Dec. 15.