The Daily Neale has taken some pains to show That the expenditure of the war has not exceeded the supplies already provided. 'These are the figures. " The cost of the Army, Navy, and Ordnance, in 185.3, was 16,325,6761.; and the number of men voted for the Three services was 166,381,—Army, 102,283; Navy, 45,500; Ordnance, 17,598. The number voted in 1854 as sufficient for the war was—Army, 127,241, increase 24,958; Navy, 56,500, ;increase 13,000; -Ordnance, 19,266, increase 1668; total increase 35,007, or about one-fifth. The addition therefore to our military power, caused by the over war, ov and above the peace establishment of 1853, as measured by the number of men, which Includes officers of all ranks, was 21 per cent. The additional money, however, salted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and readily granted, for this increased military power, was Se surplus revenue 2,000,0001., additional taxes 10,000,0001., a loan by Exchequer Bonds 6,000,0001., and a vote of credit 3,600,0001., total 21,000,0001.; 'which, added to the military expenditure of 185; makes a total proviso' n for the military, expenses of more than 37,000,000/ While the force was only increased 21 per cent, the mosey voted was augmented 130 per cent." It is remarked that the public deposits in the Bank of England for the last week in November are 4782,3901.; "while at the corresponding period of the first quarter of the year, or the last week is February, lig are only 2,722,3451."; that Government has defrayed all the current expenses of the year as they occurred; that in addition there is yet 1,000,0001 of Exchequer Bonds and Bills unissued, and the vote of credit for 3,000,0001 is not yet acted upon. With regard to the expense of transports, the .Daily .Nescs shows that 3,000,000/. was voted for this especial service: now the total tonnage of shipping belonging to the empire is about 3,800,000, which at the high rate of 15/. a ton gives 57,000,000/. as its extreme cost; supposing it yields 20 per cent, this gives 11,400,000/., which with 6,0430,0004 for wages, is 17,400,0001., ample payment for freight and wages; therefore, supposing the transports to have been employed six months on an average, 3,000,0001. "should be adequate hire for the services of more than one-third of the whole mercantile navy of the empire."