The Department of War was removed on Monday from the
'temporary offices in Downing Street to No. 7 Whitehall Gardens. Major-Generel Benda& will, in all likelihood, succeed to the Governorship of Portsmouth, and command of the South-western district, rendered vacant by Major-General Simpson's appointment as Deputy Adj utaxit-GeneraL—Iforniag Chronicle. It is said that the gallant services of Lieutenant-General Sir Richard England, K.C.B., and Major-Generals Bentinok, Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B., and Pennefather, C.B., will be rewarded with the Colonelcies of the Eighth, Forty-sixth, Fiftieth, and Sixty-seventh Regiments, vacant by the deaths of Sir Gordon Drummond, Lieutenant-General Egerton, Sir George Arthur, and Lieutenant-General Evrart. Load Courtenay succeeds Mr. Kennedy as one of the Commissioners of Woods and Forests; and Mr. Abraham Hayward, QC., succeeds Lord Courtenay as one of the Secretaries of the Poor-law Board. The augmentation of the Army to be proposed on the meeting of Parliament includes 43 battalions of the Line, each of 800 bayonets, a battalion of Rifles, and another of Artillery ; total, about 36,000 men.—Times.
Mr. Nasmyth, of the Bridgwater Foundry near Manchester, has sent a letter to the Timer, stating the result of his proposal with respect to wrought-iron ordnance. "I have been almost overpowered with letters offering me large sums of money to enable me to carry out my views on this vital subject, should Government not be disposed to do so. I have the happiness, however, to inform you, and all those who have taken so lively an interest in this great national subject, that Government have entered most cordially into my views, and in the most liberal spirit have empowered me to proceed forthwith in carrying out my designs."
Some time since, a placard was posted in Birmingham denouncing the war as the cause of dear bread. Miss Martineau answered the placard and its views ; and now Mr. Joseph Sturge has issued a letter defending the placard, denouncing the war, and reaffirming the statement that the war is the cause of dear bread. Mr. Sturge charges the newspapers with exciting the mob to Lynch those who seek other channels for the "publication of truths favourable to peace."