The Horning Post furnishes a strikin g description of the way
in which the mistaken estimate of the Russian power, and of the extent of armament necessary for the prosecution of the war, has been rectified- "The chief marvel, the grand event of the war so far, is the emoting promptitude, fertility of resource, and lavish abundance, with which England has addressed herself to the instant rectification of that error. With a loss of time incredibly small, transports have been secured, men shipped off, and every means and appliance brought to bear to raise the armament, in every conceivable particular, to the scale of the highest emergency
th can arise in the progress of the mighty conflict. True, our army is to winter on the dreary plains and heights of the Crimea; but they will have comforts and alleviations such as no army ever yet had since wars and fighttugs began on earth. The appliances of peaceful life are to be furnished to the troops as far as they are applicable, and measures unheard of in military annals are to be employed to facilitate all the arrangements of the camp. A thousand huts are on their way to supplant the tents now in use, and in a day or two a thousand more will follow; and so on till all the men are lodged, weather-proof and water-tight. Then in the way of clothing, a contract is already completed for forty-four thousand fur cloaks; fortyfour thousand fur cape, helmet-shaped; forty-four thousand fur gauntlets ; forty-four thousand water-proof capes; forty-four thousand long boots, of cow-hide; forty-four thousand suits of inner clothing; forty-four thousand pairs of leggings; and ten thousand snits of fur clothing for officers. Every soldier is to have a water-proof sheet, in addition to his blanket. In the way of arms and ammunition, the siege-train is to be augmented by a large number of thirteen-inch mortars from Gibraltar and Malta; by a large addition of Lancaster guns, carrying shells six hundred yards further than has hitherto been possible; and by howitzers of a newdescription, carrying ten-inch shot five thousand five hundred yards, or above three miles. The number of men has been augmented since the battle of Inkerman by fifteen thousand fresh troops, who sailed last month. Probably ten thousand more will sail this month, besides those who are to be drafted from Mediterranean stations. There is no lack of volunteers from the Militia into the Line, and from the young men of the country into the Militia. Some fine recruits are being rapidly drilled to fill up the fearful gaps in the Guards; so that we may hope soon to see those magnificent battalions raised again to their full strength. In the way of provisions, everything that can nourish health and avert disease is to be copiously provided. Contracts are being daily taken for unheard of quantities of preserved meat and provisions of various kinds. Transports will scour the markets of the Mediterranean for sheep and vegetables; while smiseable articles are to be retailed under Goveniment surveillanoe, and no longer left to the extortionate mercy of heartless adventurers. All this is being done -by Government; and the surprising part of it is, not that it is done so amply, but s ) instantly, and with such thorough confidence in the resources of the count-y. Then' over and above this, must be reckoned the munificent voluntary sad private undertakings now set going. From the highest to the lowest, every class of society is furnishing its quota with an exhilarating generosity. Prince Albert clothes all the Grenadiers in fur. Sewers.' noblemen send their yachts laden with all conceivable good things. The Duke of Marlborough subscribes one hundred head of deer. Ladies sell their jewels, and give the produce. Publicans send hogsheads of beer. One firm gives 2501. worth of choicest cigars. Young ladies knit ouffsonittens, and stockiugs. Whole parishes unite to send out sheets, pillow-cases, bandages, and handkerchiefs, to the hospitals; while nothing that ingenuity can devise or love provide is wanting to complete the list. But, perhaps, the most remarkable of all is the establishment of a line of rails from the port to the camp. By this iron road much labour and fatigue will be saved both to horses and men. Messrs. Pete and Bremen with a large staff of their beet men' undertake this unprecedented work on terms which prove their patriotism beyond a doubt. We must not forget the electric telegraph, which is to be laid down all through the a and right away to the harbour. The aggregate of this is astoundinge,illin speaks volumes for the prosperity of our country, and for the use we have suede of our forty years' peace. While we cannot but regret the war, we cannot lint glory that, being in it, we can prosecute it after such a manner."