9 DECEMBER 1854, Page 7



Coming events are frequently discounted on the Stock Exchange, and, from their previous influence on the various Securities, the realization produces little or no additional effect. The present week, however, has proved an exception, in the improvement that has taken place in the Funds, through the confirmation of the statement circulated several days before that Austria had finally become engaged to join the Western Powers. The original speculators for a rise have increased their holding since the arrival of the news ; tempted by the buoyancy in the Paris market, and the favourable tone of the French and other organs of information, and the rise of Stocks at Vienna, where the rate of exchange has receded more than 1 per cent. The advance in our Funds during the week has amounted to 11 per cent : the dealings in Consols for Money have been from 92/ to 931, and they close this evening at 921 31 and 931 1 for Account. Preparations for the settlement of the Account have occupied a large share of attention. It was arranged yesterday, and the rate of continuation was about 4 per cent. There has been no alteration this week in Bank Stock, Exchequer Bills, or India Stock. The transfer-books in the latter closed yesterday. The rise in French Stocks has been greater than on this side, owing to the previous operations for a fall, and the eagerness of parties to buy back since the intelligence of the Austrian alliance : latterly there has been a reaction. Among the principal features of a satisfactory nature, may be mentioned renewed depression on the Corn-market ; and the steady appearance of the Continental exchanges augurs favourably of our being able to retain the greater portion of the gold that may arrive. A considerable amount was taken to the Bank of England on Wednesday. The arrivals this week have comprised 194,0001. from Australia, 166,000/. from New York, 5200/. from Brazil, and 14,900/. from Spain and Portugal. The accounts from New York mention a return to low prices in the Stock-market : the rate for bill-discounting had reached 24 per cent per annum, and failures were constantly reported.

Foreign Securities have been well maintained at full rates, and an increased amount of businees has taken place ; but no change of importance has occurred beyond au improvement of about 1 per cent in Russian Five and Portuguese and Spanish Securities, and a decline of 2 per cent in Buenos Ayres. Turkish Scrip, although less variable than of late, has borne an unsettled appearance.

A general recovery has taken place in Railways, owing to the buoyancy, in Consols' and has been well maintained. London and North-Western has reached par. The leading Shares generally have advanced from U. to 31.; and greater confidence has existed than for some time past. There have been several inquiries for Foreign Shares, and the French descriptions have been very firm, at an improvement of 108. to 1/. 5s.

The London and North-Western and Midland Companies have agreed to an extension of the traffic arrangement, which was previously confined to merchandise and mineral productions. It now includes passengers and parcel; with a view to conduct the traffic of both concerns on the principle of economy and other mutual advantages. In the arrangement they were 'cled by the traffic for the year ending 30th June 1851. The East Indian lway was partially opened on the 15th of August. Its length at present is forty-two miles from Calcutta; twenty of which, from Hooghly to Pundooah, was opened on the 1st of September. The receipts for the seven weeks averaged nearly 4601. It was considered that the neat profit would be nearly 6 per cent per annum, or 1 per cent above the interest which the India Company guarantees.


The English Funds are very firm this morning at 1 improvement. The transfer-books in Consols closed yesterday, and they are quoted today for the *Account at 92/ 1 ex dividend. There is a further increa tiiktbs.W11

return by the Bank of England of 160,2291. In Foreign S ',14ie 'la little doing ; but Turkish Scrip is rather higher, being 7i 7 di link wa) a

have further advanced, and transactions have taken place ttbe llowisek prices—Eastern Counties, 114; Great Northern, 88k; I , :, ,;_., ti e.2

and South Coast, 105k; London and North-Western, 101 ..,, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 23. ssvennse:141krpi The

e Englih Funds have been steady since the morning, an o illtias4A *4 k tion has taken place. Consols for Account leave off at 924 1 ex die. Exchequer Bills 3 6. Exchequer Bonds mark 991. In the Foreign Market some firmness has been exhibited, and Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents and Peruvian Four-and-a-half and Three per Cents, are 1 better. Buenos Ayres have been done at 531, and Turkish Scrip at 71 I discount. Railways leave off strong, but little difference has occurred since the morning, although a large amount of business has taken place—Bristol and Exeter, 93; Caledonian, 611 ; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 88; Ditto A Stock, 751 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 88 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 73; London and Blackwell, 84; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 106; London and North-Western, 991 ; London and South-Western, 83; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 23; Midland, 69; North-Eastern, (Berwick,) 751; Ditto Leeds, 134; Ditto York, 521 ; North Staffordshire, 13; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 32; Scottish Central, 93; South-Eastern, 591 ; South Wales, 291; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 31; London and Greenwich, 13; London, Tilbury, and Southend, 114; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 1, 1 prem.; Ditto New 6 per Cent Stock, 131; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 6 per Cent, 133; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 133; DutchRhenish, 61; East Indian Extension, 24; Great Central of France, 101; Great Western of Canada, 174; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 31; Ditto Obligations, 21; Northern of France, 341. Mine—Santiago de Cub; 31. Joint Stock Banks—Union of Australia, 69 ; Ditto New, 81; Union of London, 23/. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 36; Crystal Palace, 3; Peel River Land and Mineral, 21.