Les Ennentie de la liaison, a comedy by M. Darcet, originally produced at the Odeon, has been elevated to the Francais. This movement corresponds to a transfer from Sadler's Wells as it is now, to Drury Lane as it would have been under a "legitimate" manager. M. Paul Feval has furnished the Ambigu-Comique with a long drame, which, while it possesses all the usual attractions of the drame species, has more than an average amount of mind in its composition. The chief character is a woman who keeps a country hotel, and who having been treated with base ingratitude after the performance of a good action, resolves to abstain from all kindly deeds. However, her innate benevolence of heart counteracts her hard resolves, and, in spite of herself, she is the good genius of the piece,—which, by the way, is called La Bourgeoise.