Tbe 33r obirars.
The Birmingham Anti-Corn-law 'ommittee, though defeated by the Chartists at the meeting in the Town- hall, very properly persevered in offerin:x Ilse inhabitants an opportunity of declaring their opinions on the ..tiject te !lie Legislature u and a petition fbr " the total and imme-
diate of all ln. restricting the importation of' food," and for
iduce evij:nee support thereof at the bar," has been at die Public Office and other places. The meet liar at Neweastle-upon-Tyne wus summoned on a requisi- tion to the 2■layor sighed by 525 'mu it ants. The course of proceeding was not quite correctly stated in the Sid ill ti last week, though me took the only account then accessihie. It utpuiears that resolutions hos- tile to the Corn-lairs were unenimonsly carried ; but afterwards, on the motion of oee of the Chartist leaders, an addition was made, to the t fleet that max -.4 on all the comm 0:1011 nece:-saries of life should be re- pealed ; anti that, " from the manner in which the petitions of the people were generally treated, it was apparent that the mass of the country must be represented before they could expect the repeal of those odious and oppressive laws." Another resolution, that the " people was also le would never have just laws until they obtain Universal Suf-
f carried.
About four hundred persons, of all shades of politics, requested the Mayor of Stockport to call a meeting; -which .was held on Thursday week, and unanimously agreed to petition for "total repeal." An Anti-Corn-law Association has been established at Huddersfield, Between two hundred and three hundred persons assembled last week anti set it on Jbot. A subscription was raised to send Delegates to London. It is said that time m e working men of Oldha and Wigan unite heartily with the middle classes against the Corn-laws. Preston is zealous in the cause. In Huddersfield, Halifax, Bradford, Rochdale, and several otbe1 places in the North of England, Anti-Corn-law meetings have been held during the week; also at Taunton. A requisition to call a meet- ing has been presented to the Mayor of Norwich; where Mr. 13ignold last week asserted at a Tory party, that the Corn-laws were popular.