Debates Alit Protratings In Iparliantcnt.
OPENING OF THE SESSION. THE second session of Queen Victoria ' s first Parliament commenced on Tuesday til'.25th instant. The attendance of Lords, and of Peeresses both in the......
Trlit _metropolis.
The City Remembrancer has transmitted to the Lords of the Treasury a statement made by direction of the Royal Exchange and Gresham Trusts Committee, in reply to Mr. Baring's......
The Finsbury Reform Club Will Hold Their Anniversary...
Monday next. Both the Members, 3Ir. Wakley and Mr. Duncombe, have been invited, and will attend. Anti-Corn-law meetings have been held this week in the boroughs of Lambeth, the......
The Delegates Of The " National Convention" Assemblim In The
room of the Lumber Troop. Bolt Court. Their business has been chiefly preliminary—relatin g to the appointment of committees, the admission of stran g ans to their meetin g s,......
Z.71n Court.
Tint Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Monday afternoon, at Buckingham Palace. The Speech to be delivered at the opening of Parliament was finally settled ; and her......
Reforming Minority For Mil Dencombe's Amendment.
Alt wood. T. Duckworth, S. IS irmil, II. AN', Ihtke Sir J. Blake, 31. J. Thuolas, t!. NV. D. Blew's% 11. J. Easthope, J. 'Suakin, J. J. Et wols, it. BrioLesuan, II, ii a, Earl......