It is said that Lord Howlett( is to succeed Lord
LENELG. Very wilt: we shall now have a Colonial Minister ousts usable for the neglects and misdeed, of his department. That will be all the change. For during Lord Gnsassuat's tenure of office, Lord llowiens has really been Colonial Minister, but in secret, and therefore without the least -respon- sibility. The same ignorance' conceit, and obstinacy will characterise' the ()Alec ; but we shall now know whom to blame. Poor Lord GLE- NELG leas a mere eatspese for Lord Howten in performing monkey's tricks m-Ith the Colonies-a sort of screen behind which a son of Lord GREY it Issen mean enough to hide himself for years while really de- tiding. ell the it Lore important questions in our Colonial affairs. As r,sten Thole later, it' so it is to be, he will incur some sort of responsi- bit hy . I - shall not be ottr fitult if lie do not answer for the past as well tie Illtt future.
When Lord Gm:Ns:Lc announced his retirement, it was spoken of, below the her of the House of Lords, as It Ministerial sacrifice to propi- tiate Lord Dunne is Such is the ignorance here ot' Colonial affairs. Wile, it is ores:wail:II ittiportance to I.ord Dt-li 11 A ST that the new Colo- liii:s.linister should be a person capable of confirming those hopes and reliant:es on which the allegisnce of' the English population of the Ca- ntatas now depends; mid Lord }Towles happens to be the most unpopu- lar of public men with that class of Canadians. The evils and calamities of' the last fintr years' misrule are attributed. and not altogether without reason, to his secret guidance of the Cabinet on Canadian questions. klis appointment would be a. signal for disaffection in the Ca- mcdas. far more forinidable than that of the French colonists.
Ilut WC' may be speenisting on insufficient gilds. Lord Guessass may not have so e:v improper It successor ; and eVC/1 if Lord Hownss were appsimetl, he inittit net be reelected fir Net thumberland. The time is gene by for nelkims sure of a seat in Parliament for any mere Whig. -who teltks etfee under the Crown.