Considerable uneasiness and a tendency to depression were manifested in the English Stock Market at the beginning of the week. Consols were heaN - on „Monday at 92i for Money and -92a fin. the Account. The Queen's Spveech did not 'give satisfaction; as it was without the usual assurance that the finances of the country were " prosperous," and a further fall in the Console occurred. Towards the close of the week a better impr:ssion prevailed ; and the rumour of it loan, which had been I11,111 IZI11:14-1 VcCOlVed less credit : nevertheless, Courts could not he done this it !nowt at a higher price than 92h for 3Ioney- and 92h to for the Account. The Three-and-a-half per Cent. Reduced were 100i to ; the New Three-and-a-half 991, to a ; Exchequer Bills fit to CG prem.; and India Stock 252 to 231. Belgian Stock is a shade higher. Portaguese Five per Cents., which were at 344 to 25 at the beginning of the week, are now :37 to 1. Brazilian 79 to ; Mexican 231 to 24; Colombian 29i. Shares are generally firm. The London and Birmingham Railway have advanced from 79 to 84 prem. - Southampton are at 44 to 45 per Share; Great Western 12 to 13 prem. ; Leeds and Manchester 19 to 21 prem.; Blackwell 18 to 18 dis.; Brighton n' to 3a dis. ; Birmingham and Derby, 11 to 9 alS.
There is no change in the Consol Market this morning, except that it is firmer at the nominal quotation than it was yesterday. III the liweign Mar- ket, the transactions are few ; and the only c'hange that has occurred has been in Spanish and Pcrtuguese Stock, the former hieing 19A end the latter generally about et per cent. higher than yesterday. The Railway Shares are steady at the following quotations, with little doing, London and Birmingham f 2 84, Ditto Quarter Shares 25 211 prem. ; Croydon 12 per Share ; Ditto New 1* prem ; Greenwich 16i 17; Southampton 411 per Share. The usual statement of the liabilities and averages of tile Bank of Eng- land has been published; by whiat it appears that the securities have increased 477,000/., the circulation 51,0001., while the deposits,have decreased 56,0001, and the bullion 417,0001., as compared with the last statement.
Consols have improved, and have been done at 92,a ; have since been sellers at 921, but close at 92i g. The Foreign Markets are without variation, and close at our morning's prices. Spanish (Active) hos been done at i9 ; but else, sellers, at 198- The Railway Shares also close the same its in the morning. 3 Put Colt. CoLsola • •ix div. 924 I Brazilisti 5 per Cent.; 79 Thtto for Account 921 Danish 3 per Cent.. 75 3 per Cent. Reduced 92; 3 Dutch 24 per Cents 5 New 34 per CNA. Ann 994 4 Portuguese Rommey 5 per Cts. 371- 1
Bank Stock 03 4 Ditto 3 per Cent. 234 India Steak 2__ Russian (1922) 5 per Cent.... 114
Ditto Bowls 62 4 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... • 194 4 64 GG 1/eferred.Stock Pioliegnor 89 it Belgian 5 per Cents 98 Passive Ditto 41 5