9 FEBRUARY 1839, Page 13


Tne first gentle undulation of the musical tide has just appeared—first it the Quartet party of which Moat is the head, and now in that of BLe- leso.s.. March will increase the swell, and in April and May incessant be the roar. Mercy on those who have to "bide the pelting" of such mm itiless storm." After sn many months repose, we welcomed Mr. llsee nova and his party with double pleasure—a pleasure enhanced by witnessing the numerous auditory who continue to gather round so able and well-matched a set of pertbriners. Every successive season im- proves their combined as well as individual play, and gives them the superiority which results from constant and united practice. Their Quartets are the most finished exhibitions of their kind that we can boast.

The principal feature of the first Concert, on Thursday night, was Mesnenssons's Quartet, Op. 12 ; played fbr the first time in this country. It has all the peeuliarities and many of the beauties of its author's instrumental style, (for his instrumental music possesses a de- cided and individual character,) with a repetition of many phrases and thoughts before familiar to our ears. Another novelty was a Pianoforte Duet of Ossi.ow's; admirably played by the Misses BucuennensT. But our commendations of this piece can extend no further than its performance. It is insufferably long, and insupportably tiresome. lisynx's beautiful Quartet in B flat, (Op. 44,) was just the reverse— full of' bright and beautiful thoughts, and therefore interesting. ONSLOW is all mad and fog, in which you flounder about, vainly hoping for a gleam of musical light ; strings of unmeaning arpeggios,, and an end- less pother about nothing. Nisi MASSON and BALFE, both of whom it is always a pleasure to hear, filled up the intervals between the instrumental pieces.