The King of France has reinstated the :Njoins .gintiitty and
dissolved the Chambers. This proceeants is Otlind important. The Opposition journals reprtigeot 1'-a 'indsteli( desire to follow the example of CHARLES the Tenth ; as there is no probability that the new Chamber, which. is to assemble on the 15th of March, will be more favourable to the Chtiteau than that which has proved refractory. The Coalition appears to be more firmly united than before, by the dissolution of the Chambers. Measures to secure the renection of the 213 Deputies who com- posed the lute Opposition were immediately taken. THIERS and Guam are peculiarly active ; and they, with GARNIER PAGES, ARAGO, LAFFITTE, thVERGIER DE I/AFRANNE, and °DILLON BARROT, are said to write the principal articles for the Liberal journals. One by THIERS, in the Constiltdionnel, is pronounced "terrific." The King and the Ministry are not quiescent. Ilribery, in the shape of loans to departments which support Ministerial can- didates, is profusely employed. Several thousand copies of the Journal des Debats and the Presse are daily purchased for distribu- tion in the provinces, and in the coffeehouses of Paris. Some mem- bers of the Coalition, who were fbrmerly themselves guilty of the malepractices attributed to the Ministry, are said to be zealous in exposing the means by which majorities are secured in the French Chambers.