There appears to be at last a fair prospect of
the reconciliation of Hungary with her King. The Committee of the Diet, which includes M. Desk, has agreed to the bases of an arrangement under which the King will command the Army, moving it where he will ; but the Diet will vote its number and decide on the mode of recruiting ; Hungary will guarantee the Imperial Debt ; the Emperor, as Emperor-King, will conduct all foreign affairs, and the military budget will be common to the entire Empire. For the rest, Hungary will be governed in all internal concerns by a Ministry responsible to the Diet. This is dualism, and accord- ingly the Kaiser has recalled the patent summoning an extraordi- nary Reichsrath, and is about to call the old Reichsrath together, in the hope that Hungary will now send representatives. The next difficulty is to pacify the Germans, who see, or think, that Hun- gary is to rule Austria, instead of Austria ruling Hungary.