Current Literature.
Idaho. By Odds. (Chapman and Hall.)—By very far the poorest thing Ouida has yet written, poor positively as well as comparatively. It recounts the history of one of those......
The Paris Sketch - Book. By W. M. Thackeray. With...
by the anther on copper and wood. (Smith and Elder.)—We cannot allow this reprint of one of Mr. Thackeray's pleasantest volumes to pass without notice. We have always found......
Jessie's Expiation. By Oswald Boyle. (tinsley.)—we Do Not...
Mr. Boyle's name as a novelist, and if this is a first attempt, he will probably yet produce a really good pleasant novel of society. Even this is readable, full of natural......
Lady Llanover's Cookery Book.*
1 4 4 cannot say we quite appreciate the vehicle which Lady Llanover has chosen for expressing her ideas, but the ideas them- -selves will instruct all and amuse many. The......
The Love That Kills. By The Author Of The Wife's
Evidence- (Tinsley Brothers.)—Mr. Wills can do and has done much better than this. He has, he says in his preface, a double object—to describe love. tainted with jealousy and......