Grump (A.), Wide Asunder as the Poles, cr Svcs (Longman.) 6/0 Curtis (W.), A Short History & Description of the Town of Alton (Simpkin) 6,0 Edmonds (H.) A Another, Elementary Botany for South Africa (Longman') 4/6 Emerson (P. HA, Cadba. the Guerilla Chief, er Svo (Nutt) 6.0
Trees (V. H.), The Marian Reaction in Its Relation to the English Clergy, -
12mo (S.P.C.K.) 2' Houston (D. F.), A Critical Study of Nullification in S. Carolina (Lougmaus) 6 0 Lang (k.), Pickle, the Spy, Sao (Longmans) WO
Larchey (L.), The Narrative of Captain Coignet. or Svo (Chatte) 3/6 Liddon (H. P.). Sermons Preached on Special Occasions. Cr Svo (Gumming) 5,0 Mortimer a. G.), Catholic Faith and Practice, cr 8vo (Longinans) 7/6 Peel (Sir R.), A. Bit of • Fool, cr Svo (Downey) Se Poems and other Verses, by H. A. R. Y.," cr Svo (Unwin) MI Sacramentarium Leoniaunm, edited by C. L. Feltoe, 8v0 ((llimb. Univ. Press) 12/6 &holey, Electric Tramways and Railways Popularly Explained (Alabaster) 210 Seyfferth (A.), The Sheep: its External and Internal Organisation (Philip) 26
Siker (K. T.), Alys of Lutterworth, cr Svo (0. H. Kelly) 2/0
Smith (E. B.), My Village, cr 8,0 (Ward A Downey) 6,0
Smith (F.). A Ohest of Viols and other Verses, 12mo (Simpkin) 3,6 Bolden° (E.). My Theatrical and Musical Recollections. Svo (Downey) 10 6 Swinstead (J H.
. .), A Parish on Wheels, cr 8vo (Gardner A Barton) 3/6 Thompson (N. (1.) and Another, Hand-in-Hand Figure Skating (Longmaos) 6/0
Tirard (N.), Diphtheria and Antitoxin, Sao (Longmans) 7/6