9 JANUARY 1897, page 26


In the series of "Arnold's School Shakespeare," edited by J. Chnrton Collins (E. Arnold), we have Hamlet, edited by W. Hall Griffin, and King Henry V., edited by S. E. Winbolt.......

The Transvaa/ And Use Boers. By W. E. Garrett Fisher.

(Chap- man and Hall.)—It is a disheartening fact that no attention has been paid to the past history of the Boers by the politicians of the day, because no other race requires a......

Chemistry In Daily Life. By Professor Lassar-cohu. (h....

Co.)—Some lectures delivered by Professor Lasser- Cohn, of Heidelberg, are herein translated by Mr. Pattison Muir, and we hope they will prove as interesting to the English......

East Coast Etchings. By Hugh Clifford. (straits Tiff141t,...

"East Coast" is Malaya, and Mr. Clifford is the British Resident at Pahang. We cannot quite understand the pcint of view from which he regards the relations between the European......

Torpedoes And Torpedo-vessels. By Lieutenant G. E....

(G. Bell and Sons.)—There is really all that the intelli- gent reader wants to know about torpedoes and their management in this clearly written little volume of Lieutenant......