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" The friends of the British Colonial Empire" par excellence, who. ever they be, gave a dinner on Wednesday, at the Freemason's Tavern, to Sir Francis Bond Head. Upwards of two hundred were presentaz the entertainment ; including .Mr. George Richard Robinson, the chairman, Sir John Scott Lillie, Mr. Russell Ellice, Mr. Asa Chap.. man, Mr. John Irving, and Mr. Hughes Hughes. The affair seems to have been remarkably flat. As for Sir Francis Head, lie broke down completely—overpowered, says the Times report, with "the cor- diality and enthusiasm of his reception." He tried to talk ahem the cordial union of the Canadians and the Americans, their natural alli- ance, and so forth ; but the " tottle of the whole" of his eloquence is comprised in about twenty lines ef the Leading Journal.