!ate Accounts From Chili Mention, That The Advocates For...
the tearl war with Pern are daily diuninialting in number tind ilitiuence; and that, although the treaty granted by SANTA CRUZ Ns not been ratified, there is a prosrect of the......
'rite Affairs Of The African Celony Weepy The Nttention Of
the French Chamber of Deputies. Some of the leading members of the Chamber upoti the utter hopelessness of derivieg tiny benefit front the poseeseion ot Algiers mid Constantine,......
Pos1 Scri Pt.
SATURDAY. The cOnsideratirn of the Irish Poor Bill was completed he the Corn. mittee of the Lords last eight. Several amendments, apparently of ea; nor importance, were mede in......
Money M A It Ket.
sroes lxrnntit. Farosy AFTERNOON. prev ion% to the Dis idend,which OCCUrte11011Tilestlay. caused etcumnporu.y heaviness in boll these sticks. and a trifling depression occurred......