sroes lxrnntit. Farosy AFTERNOON. prev ion% to the Dis idend,which OCCUrte11011Tilestlay. caused etcumnporu.y heaviness in boll these sticks. and a trifling depression occurred ; since that period, however, the market has revived, anti the prices of last week are now reestaldislied. Ex- The shutting of the hooks of Consols and New Three.and.a.11alf per Cents, chewier Bills and India Bonds were also lower, but have again revived. Money lets become noire in demand. The market appears to have lost that buoyancy by which it has recently been chareetet izeil : we ale inclined to attlibute this change to the revival of the exportation of gold to the United States. By the list etetetnent of the liabilities and assets of the Rink of England, it appeared that the aliment tif bullion had decreamal 200,000/. as compared with the stated quantity in May. This decrease can telly be attributed to an Americao demanit having arisen ; And as that demand is likely to continue, (from the eiletinistance of the premium upon bullion at New York being 3 per cent.,) OUC catnit Iikts naturally regard such a circumstance with anxiety. The Foreign Stock Market has during the last three days h en in a state of complete stagnation ; there were, however, some transactions mi Mon- day and Tuesday in Dutch Twonand.a.Hall per Cents., at advanced prices, which quotations have since been maintained. Some business was also done in Rus-
sian Illinois, at 1121 and 1121. Portuguese Stock was likewise in great demand ; the Five per Cents. hiving u isen to 38i the Three per Cents, to
and the Five per Cents. 1837, to 32. The arrival of the Lisbon mail Oft Tuesday, bringing intelligence of the contemplated retirement of the Finance 31iniocr, produced a change in the market ; the Five per Cents. fell to 36. the Three per Colts. to 24, and tine Five per Cents. 1837, to 30. The prices have since recovered about 1 per cent., but it was only to fall back to within 1. per cent. of the lowest point of depression. Spanish Stock experienced a fall of 6 per ceut., having been as low as 211i, but has since been steady at about 22.
The South American Stocks have been film ; Brazilian between 80 and 80i, while Columbian has been done at 21. The French Blockade is still operating against the value of Mexican Honda, which are quoted 25. to 26.
In the Railway Shares, the only altetation of importance that has occurred has been in those of tine Great Western ; which, upon a repot t of the inconve- nient vibration cansed by the new plan adopted in the conatruction of the car- riages and the great width of the rants in this railway, fell 4/. per share, but have since improved about I/., and are now from '21. innW. per share below the quo- tation at the opening of tile rail nay. Brighton Shires are heavy ; an are Man- ches:er and Birmingham, in common with moat of the shares upon which but few payments have been made. The Aaphalte Companiett are all lower, and in many eases sales ate impos. Ode. Claridge's, which maintained their price 110 lung, have given way 4L to Li. per aliare. SATUKDAY, TV/V.1,11y O'CLOCK.
Consols are II lower this morning, the price Ow Account being 95a. sellers. Fecellequer Bina are, hnwever, firmer, listing been dtme at 70 prem. In the Foreign Market, tine only vitiation that has occurred has been in Spanish Stock, which, filen the decline in Paris on 'flan silty, has fallen i per cent., Irving keen at 211. The market is, however, now rather firmer. No mare. nil alteration in Railway or other Shares.
3 per Cent . Consols
Ditto for Aceinitit 3 per Cent. It...limed
New 3i per Cent. Anus
ttat,k Stwek
mit. Howls
Exellegn..r Bali
11eiginti 5 per Ceuta
shut 901 2..if I • Allut 204} slott
74 761rm. GO 70pat.
101* 2
Brazilian 5 per Cents.
I hiuish Mach 2} per Cents l'ortuguewe Regency 5 p.Cts Him; 3 per Cent.
Ituosiau ( I:421) a per Cent Spasisls t I.S35) 5 per Cent
Def.-anal Sleek
Passive Ditto
SO SO} 74} 5} 53 55} 36 36* 24 24} 112 113 21} 22 Si 9 4i a