Waterloo Road. The evidence produced strongly confirmed the sus - appearanee,
e ;tit a man at their head answer ing the desel iption sit- the
picion that Grimwood's murderer was the man who accompanied her
f h Bennett with hiss swoion of military, advancing towards the inn before alluded from the Strand Theatre the night on which the crime was committed. T to. There was a white flag carried by oue of Courtenay's party. Major
The principal witness w ess was Catherine Edwin, ho was present when
that person engaged to meet Grimwood at the theatre. She had herself' They are coming to parley ;' and thereupon he, with Major Handley, ad. frequently seen Grimwood end the man together, and described his dress vanced in front of his division. .Major Handley then called out to the rioter, "He was dressed in a pair of dark green trousers striped with black, a frock- int' but no reply was made. Courteriay tinned round to 4iis men, and said, goat, a prinaose.coloured waistcoat, buttoned up, and a mackintosh over hie ‘ Come on, follow me,' or words to that effect. At that time, the deceased w;.:11 sin) ; he had a broad brimmed hat and green spectacles on, and I think a kind of advancing rapidly towards Courts:nay, arid Coustenay quick,' ' g his pace to. blue handkerchief. lie had very full dm k whisker:. Ile is an Italian, and can wards the deceased. Major Arnistroug called out to the deceased to fall back ; weak English fluently ; he had been acquainted with deceased for months. Ile which he did out do, beiug then only about four yards from each other. He- was in the habit of going to:see her. Ile appeared to be neatly six feet in height. ceased and Courtenay dosed, and almost gushed against each other. Deceased While I was standing talking to the deceased, she said, on seeing him, ' Here raided his right arm, in the act of striking at Courtenay with his swoid. mimes my tormentor.' I have seen him several times in a passion. He has Courtenay, advancing with a cocked pistol in his right hand at the same threatened me upon toy saying that lie looked like an Italian. I have often moment, tired the pistol; the effect of which was, that the ball passul met him in the street with deceased. I have heard him ask her to marry him, through the body of the deceased ; who made another blow or two at sod she has returned no answer. This was in a confectioner's shop in Picea- Courtenay, and then fell on his back. Major Armstrong then called out to dilly. He then had on a datk claret-coloured coat, lined with white. We Dr. Poore, ' Am I to fire ?' In consequence of a scream of horror from his were in a private room; and after taking off his cloak, he threw off his coat, and men at seeing Mr. Bennett fall, It wan impossible fiw him i to hear any reply as he slid so something dropped on the floor, which I picked up. On looking that m;ght have been given to that question ; hot his •impression was, that he at it, I perceived that it was a huge clasp-knife ; and on drawing down a spring had received direcfions to fire: and, acting under that impression, and his life- time blade flew open, which was of the width of my thumb-nail : he showed me vious orders from time Magistrate, he gave the coninistud to tire; which his the way to open and shut the blade by means of two distinct spriugs. The top of men instantly obeyed, amid fired at Courtenay and his party. The orders the blade Was lint sharp, but square.pointed ; it had a white handle, which which lie had plevious!y received from the Magistrates were, ' to load was about six inches in length, anti of great strength, as well as the blade. The with liall-cartridge, and take Courtenay dead or alive, and as many of his latter was about five inches in length, and half an inch in width." followers as possible.' At that time, the tnen who were with the de- but not with a gouge or chisel. The deceased never complained of their attack."
herself seen Hubbard strike her when angry. John Owen, the man who tied:owl that he had seen a person with examined lie a ed upon oath ; whice was t first taint:taut to take. He The Police were directed to search for time ch e dark-whiskereItalian, mind
the inquest was adjourned to Friday. other persons assisting
Yesterday the inquiry was resumed. Many witnesses were examined, but it appeared that no progress had been made towards the discovery
of the murderer. Owen was examined : he turns out to be unworthy of away. Shortly afterwards, the military took several persons into custody."
thedit. A Policeman stated, that he had been with the witness Edwin te Regent Circus, and to the pastrycook's shop in Piccadilly, but could obtain no clue to the person described by Edwin. Charlotte Rosedule, h n a* su a ppoaed murderer went into a back-room with two females : she ulars of no interest were detailed. n The Coroner minutely summed up the evidence ; and the Jury re- turned a verdict of " Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown." The Foreman said that the Jury were quite satisfied that no charge had been substantiated against any person hitherto named. active of Courtenay's abettors.