At Liverpool, York, Chester, Shrewsbury, Taunton, Colchester, and many other
places in all parts of the country, preparations are making to celebrate the Queen's Coronation.
It is said that Lord Harrowhy in very ill, and that the Liverpool Tories are looking out for it successor to Lord Sandou.
The Great 'Western sailed from Bristol on Saturday last, at five o'clock in the afternoon. She has on board sixty-five passengers, be- sides a general assortment of cargo ; and has taken with her 4'),750 sove- reigns. She is in much better sailing trim than on her last starting, and the general impression is that she will he at New York on the 16th.
The debt on the two piers at Gravesend is not less than 60,0001.; much more than half of which has arisen from the petty squabbles of the place.