The Westmeath Committee have resolved to grant a commis4ion to
proceed to Irelmd to examine witnesses on certain points, (+idly as to the qualification of voters. The matter may occupy several months.
In the House of Lords, on Thursday, in the writ of error, Wright versus Tatham, Lord Brougham, after stating the opinions of the Judges, said he thought the evidence of the letters had been properly rejected. He should therefore move that the judgment of the Court
below should be affirmed. The Lord Chancellor and Lord Denman concurred, and the judgment was affirmed. This decision finally con- firms Admiral Tatham in possession of the estates which have been so long the subject of litigation.
When e railroad or a canal company applies for an act of Parliament, it neither seeks nor obtains a single power or privilege beyond what the act clearly and specifically allows. The promoters of the under- taking are called on not merely to produce their deed of contract, but to print it, together with the names and additions of the several share. holders in full, for the information of Parliament and the public. The case is altogether different with insurance-companies. They keep back their deed altogether they neither set it forth in general terms in the bill, nor submit it to the Committee on the bill. Let its clauses comprise what they may, fair or foul, they are hidden and hushed up ; Parliament does not see them, and they are locked fast even from the
shareholders as soon as subscribed. Very gross jobs, we fear, are per- petrated in this way. • • • We have heard of a leading nrember of
one company, who, by virtue of a clause thus slyly introduced, has for the last five-and. twenty years netted an income of 10,000/. We leave been told of one of the founders of another company, who after bargairlieg with his copartners that he should be appointed managing director, by way of reward for his deserts in projecting and perfecting the coneerli, slipped • clause into the deed by which he has secured to himself 50t./. a year whenever there is a dividend of five per cent., 8001. a year when the dividend rises to six per cent., 1.200/. when it becomes seven per cent., and so on 300/ a year more for every additional one per cent. dividend. Another and a more recent case has been mentioned to us, which far exceeds the others in boldness : the dashieg speculator in this instance bound hie simple partners to covenant that he shall be perpetual chairman, with a fixed salary of I,000/ a year, and be further paid five per cent. upon all profits, before any dividend is declured.—Couricr.