Q. Various men seem to fancy me, so I know
I can still pull 'ern, but there is one man in my office whom I really have my eye on. He is a bit of a genius and a wonderful writer, which is why I have fallen for him. The problem is that no one knows much about his romantic history or whether he is even interested in women. He is middleaged, with red hair and a red beard, and is a bit of a fusty old bachelor with food stains on his clothes. However, hosed down, he has great potential. Assuming that, being English, he might never have learnt the knack of pass-making. I am prepared to go in with guns blazing. But, before I do so, how can I tell whether he would be interested or not?
Name withheld, London E14 A. Find a pretext to sit at his desk for a few moments and offer him a wrapped sweet. You can then decode his body language by observing what he does with the sweetwrapper. Thumbs down if he twists and twirls it or sculpts a foil animal. If, on the other hand, he rips it into tiny shreds or repeatedly scrunches it up then smooths it out again, you may safely assume that you have been given the go-ahead.