Royal Value For Money
From Mrs Jennifer Miller Sir: Perhaps the greatest weakness of our monarchy is the constant malicious misrepresentation of royal finances; so Simon Heffer's brilliant and......
From Mr Stephen David Sir: I Feel That Simon Heifer
has rather missed the point. Many would agree that the government is wasteful and is too careless with our money, but that does not render criticism of royal expenditure......
The Us And Us
From Mr John Dickenson Sir: Mark Steyn's further analysis of the soft elements in Europe (On the right side of history', 23 February) reminds me of the perfect embodiment of......
From Dr Franz Metzger
Sir: Sorry to put a damper on Mark Steyn's almost rhapsodic praise of the great and wonderful US of A, but I don't think that America is really entitled to receive the full......
Fruit For The Loins
From Mr Duncan Blake Sir: I read with interest the correspondence regarding the article on possible links between sexual activity and prostate cancer (The wages of sex,' 19......
Immoderate Arabs
From Mr Percy Gourgey Sir: In referring to the right of self-determination for the inhabitants of Palestine (Letters, 23 February) Piers Paul Read overlooks the fact that this......