Q. Your correspondent R.J.S., Notts (9 February) tried to answer
a question for you before it was asked (how discreetly to avoid taking Communion when bumped out of the queue and into a procession). I fear that he has given incorrect information, which you did not challenge. As I understand it (and as it is practised in my church), the correct tip is to join the communicants in procession to the altar with one's arms crossed against one's chest (thereby indicating no wish to take Communion by hand or mouth), and to bow one's head (at the appropriate moment) in order to receive a blessing. Children who have not yet made their First Communion, also do this so that they may process with their parents. It seems preferable to receive a blessing rather than to divert at the final moment.
M.VE., Farnborough, Kent A. Thank you for mentioning this new orthodoxy. However, for those who wish to avoid drawing attention to themselves for one reason or another, the ruse of lighting a candle at the side of the church presents a perfect cover-up, since those with their backs to you will have no idea whether you have taken Communion or not.