On the 7th inst., at upper moon. the Lady of the Rev. Sir WILLIAM Mamma, Hart.. of a (Imaginer. Oa the 7th inst.. the Lady of Archdeacon ITOLLINCIWORTII, of a daughter. On the 2nd irma., in Upper Seymour Street, the Lady of JOHN BAHNEBY, Eat], M.P., of is sun and heir.
lie 5th inst., the Lady of Gonnow Gtu., Esq., of Wimpole Street. of a daughter. On the fith inst., in Cavendish Square, the Lauy of the Rev. IIALsrED E. C. COBDEN, Vicar of Charlton, Wilts, of a daughter. Oo the 28th ult., at the Vicarage, Austrey, the Wife of the Rev. THEoBORE ECHALAZ, Of &Sill! 3rd inst., at the Rectory Sloane, Wanstead, the Lady of the Rev. W. I'. Wionnar, of a son. on the lst mot., at Heckfield Heath, Hants, the Lady of FRANCIS Mount. Esq., cfa son.
the 30th ult., at Westhorpe name, Marlow, the Lady of Ricis R. Cworrosi, Esq.. On ofa son. oo the 1st inst., id North Crawley, the Lady of the Rev. F. S. RAwidtss, of a son. MARRIAGES.
ult., at Florence, at the residence of her Britannic Majesty's Minister On
pteuiputeatiary to the Court of Tuscany, THEopumus Cues% Esq., to FRANCrs CABOturr,Sccuail daughter of Licut:Gen. the Right Hum Lord R. Edward 11. Somerset, CCM. on the 7th inst., at Hedsor, WILLIAM JONES Pnowsx, Esq., Commander, R.N., to the Hon. HACKS,. EMILY lame, daughter of Lord B. don On tlw Ctl it t.. at Llanourin Machvolleth. Grimm: JONATHAN Scorr, Esq., of Belton swinge, Shropshire, and Fenklith Nclia, Maybe tilleth, to At'oDsTo FRANess,
youngest Cr unite late William Wynne, R.I., of Peniarth. Mei ionoltshire. Ott the 214 ult., the Ray. C. M. G. Jsnirts, second son .1' Col. Jars is, of Doddington Lincolu, te AeausTA, seeottd daughter of Robert Criteroft, Esq., of Ilackthorn and Barrington Hall, in the same county.
011the 1st Mg., at. Hythe, Kent. Wiwnst GitErNWOoD CHAPMAN, Esq., second son of Insure Chapman, Esq., of Paul's Cray Dill, iu the :.anie comity, to ELIZABETH CATHERINE, ireotal daughter of L. w. A. Drummond Hay, Esq., her Majesty's Agent and ConsudGeneral at Tangier, On the Kit inst.. first at the Cathelic Chapel, York Piave, Portman Square, and afterwards at St. John's, Paddington, tho Count de 1211.0121'. to ENIttlEt WidtHE of the late Mit'ora ;cit. Sir George Matthias Cox, Bart
On the St It bust., at the Cathedral Church of Lichfield, WILLIAM, second son of the Rev. Thomas Colon Fell, of Great Sheer.... Letcestersh're, to Hxxxitarrai, eldest daughter of Jolt Mott, Esq., of the Close. Lit.haehl.
On the 1st inst.. at Bath, in his 8501 year. the Right Hon. the Lord Asirrowx, of Woodlawn,ii, the County of Galway, mai Chapel house, near Southampton. On the 1011 mt., at Rio de Moinhos, bear Vix,'t it, Portugal. in his 54th year, ALISittor it ToomAs DE Manors SARMENTo, Vitcottat DO FoNna, lately a Peer of that kiogri..m, tub Portuguese Minister at Madrid.
On alt,, at the 11111, near Carlisle, FRANCEs, Witi! of Sir J. R. Grant, K.11. and K St . .
On the ::Oth ult., ilia non. J. Wm.nrantavx, brother to the present, and n of the late Earl Waltleitrat e.
theiNtli ult., it, 11tildin, Sir FRANCIS NIACP0NNELL.
Ott ti •j111 ult., suddenly, in Lincoln's inn Hall, PHILLIps DCNN Mt+NYPENNY, in hiStattll rat, y,iitigest son of the late Robert Nlouypeinty, Esq., of !Herrington Place, Holvenden, Kei1. on the 2.1 lint,, in Charles Street, Berkeley Square. Mayor WILLIAM MircitErd„ in his 2511, year. On the :Sti inst., at his residence, St. Square, Bedford. the Rev. Thomas GACSar, in his Slut year. On the 10th ult., at Editiburgh, in his 821 year, At.xxasnEtt NASiirrit, Esq., the well•linignii and aremnitlished artist, and the nmelt.‘encrated father of the Scottish tehool ui latelsrape.vainting. Ott the 01 inst., at his residence in Upper Ghtueester Street. Dorset Square, GEOROE Bisseinte, Esti , M.D., of Bridles, Warairk.
On the Silt inst., at Nurthaw, in her %id year, Mrs. i.e IlLANc, Widow of the late Thomas Le Blow, Esq., formerly of Caro:alma, Suffolk.
The " Subscriber •' who inquires whether the Spectator aught to reach Glasgow on Sunday ;HIcrttom, is inrorMtql that the lin-L eititiou of the Spe. I,ttur is despatched by the ,',nil oIticli leaves Lannlon at ei,ht orlork On Saturday ereiting; and thereSire iandd not .,;,t I,, tilasgaw ber,,re Monday. The "timidly papers ' he alludes t4, are v. k:ted .t Jet9 night, and neat t,IT early on Saturday morning.