9 MAY 1840, page 9
It is rumonred that Mr. Tleatheote intends to retire front the representation of South Lincolnshire, and to succeed his father Sir Gilbert Ileathcote in II utlandshire.......
At a meeting of the National Association, on Monday, the following letter to Mr. O'Connell was read " 5. Hendriek Street, May 1810. " Welt esteemed Sir—Although a Fermanagh......
Mr. James Ivory, Whig Solicitor-General for Scotland, is to be the new Judge of the Court of Session, in the room of Lord Glenle2 ; and Mr. Thomas Maitland to be......
The New Zealand Expedition.
In our second edition last week. we communicated the satisfactory news received on Saturday, that Colonel Wakefield had purchased Port Nicholson, on the southern coast of the......