9 MAY 1840, Page 9


It is rumonred that Mr. Tleatheote intends to retire front the representation of South Lincolnshire, and to succeed his father Sir Gilbert Ileathcote in II utlandshire.

Sunderland continues to be the most extensive shipbuilding port in England. There were 130 ships built there last year, and there are 128 building at present. The Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Morris, Vicar of Llanelly, who made himself conspicuous in the prosecution of David Jones, has addressed a letter to the Caermarthen Journal, promising to bear his Churchwardens harmless in enforcing payment of Church-rates ; but Lord Denman's decision in the Braintree ease will probably cool the Reverend gentleman's courage. The parishioners have it in their own power to refuse or to grant a rate.

Something like a riot was occasioned in Leicester last week, by an attempt to sell by auction goods seized for non-payment of churchrates ; and the sale was stopped. By the falling in of an arch of a viaduct in process of construction for the Preston and Wyre Railway, on Tuesday, two men were killed and eight others dreadfully mutilated.