At a meeting of the National Association, on Monday, the following letter to Mr. O'Connell was read
" 5. Hendriek Street, May 1810. " Welt esteemed Sir—Although a Fermanagh urns, tacit constrained to fully eoneur
with the resulutions Catried ESchallg,. I :1,111 be honoured
with a name among,t Repealers—enelo,d is 11., my sabscriptien. t, nwrt yea
Ymtr.finailp it: Heaven, (particularly Mr. Maurice%) I have the honour to be, tke. WILLIANI TIIONIrsoN."
Mr. O'Connell called attention to a report from the Committee ap
pointed to draw up a scheme for a Parliament in College Green. qtere,. tpta ts carried. It is proposed to have 2:)0 Members of the House of' 'Commons, and a working body of' 100 Peers. On this pout Mr. O'Connell remarked " Though the Irish Peers would amount to 120 in all, not more than So would attend. We could not expect inure to attend than SO; but 1 have no doubt upon my mind that the Queen, if Repeal were carried, would create 20 additional Peers ont of the landed proprietors of Ireland, which would increase the number to 100. This would be amply sufficient for the Lords. It would. be better than a crowded assembly of the Peers; and I hope in God. we will live to see the day that the Queen will open the Parliament herself." Household suffrage, vote by ballot, and triennial Parliaments, are to be insisted upon ; and in the event of the United Parliament refusing these demands, Mr. O'Connell has more than one expedient to obtain an Irish Parliament—
Time Queen might be advised to act in either of these two was: :
"Folly, SI,a aay call together in Dublin, by intimation or invitation, the 105 Members now relacsenti,,,4 Irish (mist:Wei:cies, Mere thou 40 of them (that is, more than sufficient to make a House) would ceitainly attend any lioval ,11/1i111011S however informal, And her Majestv might easily bring together ;1 sMlicielit sum her of the Irish Peers. And thus, NVitil time ass( 111 of tier iac ur.linanee might be ellaCted. adoptilP.: lIce plall We have stlette,ted f.m recoa,traciing the Irish Parliament, and authorizing the isming of writs or sums mites ac:mrdiagly. The nad:alio-at, Nvilell met under :ilea ,r.t, -tvu.u,„,-,-;, would have 110 eWty in en ttut a, 1.1.Ws, with the assent of the Q,:een, .)ing their OW11 appointment , and roniirmatitry of their own legislative 1,ewes. " SecondIy. Let it be recollected. that it was 11.1011,17. y 1:ie crogative of the ('rams ill,, i--i. ilsutli places as it tir.114ht fit, V.111, the ,rcl/uc ti MeMlyers ot
Parliament ; and this prcrogatil,.-e ntinaed to be exerAsed down to the reign of Queen Attu, 'flu. familiar tact of tile creation in Ireland, by Ring James the First, ccl Ilo le,s 11cc a ;1.1 boroughs in a sit,gi day—boroughs that froth t:ine to time continued
to send M,:al,ers to Parliament tm1:1 th7. in the :honest way, the power to eNer,ise (as it also sliow 111-. a,-1/.. of this pr.!
" Now, that, .s no act of tai.:n: that prerogative from the Crown ; it tin:rerune continues to -1 and andimini-ben; and her Mitiesty might be tub ised at oiler to issue writs 1J all tt,., and to the several toms named in our proposed plan, and thm she mac either briag tegether or create a safli,ient number of hish Peels t lit.
" , Cindrtnan of the Committee."
The report was adopted by the Association. [This certainly is carrying the joke very far.]
In Belfast, the opponents and supporters of lord Stanley's Registration Bill have each had large public meetings. In Connaught, the Liberals failed in an attempt to get up a demonstration. Very fel" attended, and the Tories were trimnpliant. Sir John Burke, a Liberal, has published his reasons for declining to take part in the Connaught meeting. He says that "he cannot approve of the present system of registration, or be a party to its continuance." Tile Irish Liberal papers contain accounts of numerous mei:tines ; but they appear generally to have been unimportant, and to have been held in Boman Catholic chapels after divine service.
Sir W. Brabazon, Member for Mayo, eehilst on his way from the Connaught Provincial meeting to attend the debate on Lord Stanley's Bill, was attacked whim sudden illness on Thursday, and had to stop on his journey.
Mr. John Drummond, brother to the lamented 'Under-Secretary, has been appointed a Stipendiary Magistrate, and is to be stationed at Broil, county Limerick. The Lord-Lieutenant conferred this office upon Mr. Drummond without the slightest solicitation, and as a mark of his high estimation of the character and public services of the brother of that gentleman.
Mr. Fallon, the Clerk of the Crown for the county of Roscommon, is dead ; and his brother, Mr. Malady Fallon, the Assistant Barrister, is said to be dangerously ill. Mr. Malechy Palbm. a Roman Catholic, has always discharged his duties u ith talent and integrity.